Title: ode2impslayer
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/ode2impslayr.zip
Size: 2.67 MB
Date: 05/17/23
Author: various "mappers"
Description: "I don't want you to MAKE me a map this time. Can I just have some links to .wad files with 2 maps+ that I don't have to zip? thanks"
Credits: msx2plus, maribo, akolai, terrarienn, forgettablepyromaniac, bredd, besus, mikolah, argent agent, ancalagon, petyan, cassis, inferno, dubzzz, colossus, spendoragon, raddicted, deathz0r, meowgi
Base: new from scratch
Build time: a couple hours lol
Editor(s) used: udb and whatever else ther other participants used
Bugs: plenty
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