Title: gib
Filename: combos/gib.zip
Size: 23.58 KB
Date: 09/25/15
Author: Jonathan Dowland
Description: Quake-inspired spraying gibs mod.

BONUS: green.wad, a red/green palette swap, created by accident. (Try them together!)

This is the GIB.WAD/DEH that was distributed in 1999 but never uploaded to /idgames. There has been one modification in 2015: GIB.DEH has been loaded into the WAD as a DEHACKED lump as a convenience for those ports that support it. This text file has been written fresh for the /idgames upload. The original is included as gib.orig.txt.
Credits: iD; Carl/Fab/Boris; Gokuma; Ebola (Kristus)
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Possibly 16 years.
Editor(s) used: Dehacked, notepad, Paint Shop Pro, Wintex, SLADE
Rating: (4 votes)
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oh my godx
The "gibs" look ludicrous.x

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