Filename: levels/doom/g-i/haloween.zip
Size: 68.53 KB
Date: 05/22/12
Author: Phil Pesano
Description: Halloween is just around the corner and so are the Sargents, Troopers, Imps, Demons, Cacodemons, Lost Souls and Barons.

There are definately more tricks than treats in this all new made from scratch level. There is new music, the theme from Halloween, all weapons, lots of lifts, a bunch of doors and stairs all over the place.

The level is quite large and will require using your wits as well as your weapons. There are a lot of hidden triplines that will open up new sectors (at sometimes very inconvienient times) and release even more trick or treaters.

Start as E1M1, try first without any cheats, there are adequate weapons and ammo and just enough stim packs, health bonuses and medical kits to get you through. Plays solo only as "Ultra Violent" or "Nightmare" anything else isn't really Doom.
Base: Made from scratch
Build time: About 25 - 30 Hours (On & Off)
Editor(s) used: DEV 5.1, BSP 1.2, MID2MUS & DMMUSIC
Bugs: None Known
Rating: (6 votes)
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So 90's! I mean that time when I started making my first levels WHICH LOOKED LIKE THIS ONE! 1/5 -Ofisilx
So 90s!x

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