Title: Chosen 1.33
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/a-c/ch133.zip
Size: 8.92 MB
Date: 01/09/04
Author: Mouse
Description: In an attempt to destroy this world from within, Apophis has created Uraeusis to achieve that goal. Chosen by Seth, you must battle your way through the Underworld and defeat Uraeusis.

**IMPORTANT** Disable "Scale Text in High Res" if you have it enabled, as this will crash the game.
Credits: Nigel Rowand for his proofing Mike Blakely for testing and level tweaks
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A while.
Editor(s) used: Zeth, XWE, WinTex
Bugs: None known.
Rating: (74 votes)
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