Title: GROVE
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/g-i/grove.zip
Size: 574.53 KB
Date: 02/26/04
Author: B.P.R.D
Description: GROVE- THE STORY CONTINUES (...from where?)- In your garden, you can sometimes see an angry looking fat dude steal your mushrooms. He's Smugla. Whenever he takes them, he leaps into a deep hole in the floor like a rabbit. You've never catched him. One day you think "Gee- I wonder why he lives in the ground?" So one day, taking your pistol to blow that mushroom stealer to bits, you jump down the hole. "Lets see how he enjoys my mushrooms now!"... Whatever that means. You hit the bottom of the hole, and you see the hole continue horizontally down. So you go down it, and hit a dead end. But then, you look up, and see another hole out "ha HA!" you retort. You climb out the hole, and look around- "Umm... where the hell am I?" You say, as you see the red skied, gold stared, tree covered, 7 frame per second frame rate world of Grove. You get out of the hole, and see Smugla's house infront of you, with HIS mushroom garden, which are really your mushrooms that he stole. You might as well take them. They are yours- even if it would anger him. Where is he anyway?

There is a map in his house, showing his X on it. Hmm. I wonder why he wants to go there? Well, he IS a trans-galactical mushroom stealer - maybe its a huge mushroom grove? or maybe an opportunity to get other mushrooms from other dimensions? Who knows. Do you? You do don't you- don't lie. Tell me- TELL ME!!


P.S- Sorry about all those trees. Its a relatively small level anyway. You just have to be observant at times and a good shooter. The ammo can be pretty tight at times I guess. You'd probably just IDDQD, IDKFA it to the end won't you. Tsk tsk.
Credits: Whoever it is who owns the images of the mushroom, crystal, hand and various trees and the backgrounds for the titles that I used. All the other graphics I did.
Base: From Scratch
Build time: Nearly two weeks.
Editor(s) used: Photoshop, Windeu32, Wintex
Bugs: Oh god yes. Where do i begin-
*I had a lot of bugs and crashes when making this wad. I hope its still alright, I didn't fully play it when I completed the thing, so there could still be stuff-ups. I hope it actually plays at least.
* The room that 'transforms' into a tech room should have its floor change to that SHAWN type texture (flat32 I think). though it doesn't work, and stays on the blue texture. In fact, none of the floor textures in that room change. The whole thing only seems to work in Edge. I've given up trying to fix it- doesn't really matter anyway I guess *tear rolls down my eye as I wish it could work* Still it might work on some other version of the other doom engines, but not on the ones I have.
*Do not use Boom- It still works on it, sure, but all the monsters in the level can hear when you cap off a single shot. This is bullshit and isn't supposed to happen. At least, this happens on my version of Boom, there may be later versions that it might work correctly on.
*The textures of the back of the various sign posts around the level are way off in some engines, like Boom or Edge. In Zdoom it looks correct. Go use Zdoom.
*When I try to use Boom, I get like 149 column errors. What columns? Did I put columns in the level? So is that it- It won't work because I didn't put any columns in the level? What a picky interior-decorating engine. Na- but seriously, its some dumb texture problem, that only happens in Boom from what I've tried. Use Zdoom.
*When you enter that house at the beginning of the level, your hard drive might get terminally corrupted. I know, I know. It sounds bad. I've had three hard drives get corrupted and have never worked since. Theres about a one in three chance of it not corrupting though, so you have a chance. So before entering it, utter a short prayer or have the good book near you. Remember 'The penetant man may pass, the penetant man may pass...'
*Heres a weird one- when you're about to enter the forest part, your monitor may implode and create a sort of weak black hole, sucking in your pieces of papers and stuff from your table. This is due to linedef #2334, and I can't really fix it sorry.
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