Title: NOVA: The Birth
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/nova.zip
Size: 7.25 MB
Date: 02/20/14
Author: TeamNOVA
Description: /\/\/\FILE UPDATED (Ver 1.1) 8/31/15/\/\/\
Here we worked on creating a 32 map megawad consisting of efforts by those who are new to the Doom mapping experience. The restrictions are as follows:
- All maps must be in limit removing format (-complevel 2 if that definition means anything to you)
- All maps are to be made entirely from stock Doom II textures.
Credits: id software, kildeth for being the NOVA project leader and creating various graphics; dobu gabu maru for taking over in kildeth's absences; dobu, Getsu Fune, and kildeth for making text blurbs, EvilNed for creating skies, nub_hat & Paul D for custom music tracks, Caleb13 and Plums for bug finds/fixes, and pretty much everyone who worked on making a great MAP30 for this, as well as 31 other awesome maps.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: More than two years
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: Corrupt BLOCKMAP for MAP30 and MAP31, various slime trails, texture bleeding, & HOMs; this is a newbie's PWAD, deal with it ;).
Rating: (32 votes)
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