Title: Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion v5.0
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/sw_cr.zip
Size: 16.43 MB
Date: 04/05/10
Author: LilWhiteMouse
Description: Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion is a semi random hub based mini-adventure. Each session is built using a pool of maps to give a different experience each time. Each hub culminates in a final map the contains your mission objective. Once completed, you can begin a new mission retaining any weapons & bonuses you gained on the previous plays.
Credits: Project Dark Fox for providing download mirrors during development. Xaser for the nulled decals patch.
Base: d mini-adventure. Each session is built using a pool of maps to give a different experience each time. Each hub culminates in a final map the contains your mission objective. Once completed, you can begin a new mission retaining any weapons & bonuses you gained on the previous plays.
Build time: Yeara
Editor(s) used: ZETH, XWE, DoGA/Metasequoia, GIMP, GoldWave
Bugs: Hopefully None
Rating: (20 votes)
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