Title: The Box
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/thebox.zip
Size: 14.53 MB
Date: 05/18/24
Author: Peter Moro
Description: Puzzles, action, mystery, secrets, surprises, and an intense final showdown. This is a puzzle-wad with twelve secrets in total. Finding these secrets is not necessary but encouraged as you'll be rewarded with the best items and ammo. All secrets are behind certain doors and every secret door's trigger is in proximity IF you are clever enough to figure out their activation. Difficulty is above average but it's totally possible to finish this map on the first attempt without saving if you are badass. Veteran Doomers might die once or twice. Secrets get progressively harder but none are ridiculously impossible because I hate gameplay like that. It's totally possible to find all secrets in a single playthrough if you have a keen eye. The final and most difficult secret rewards a ComputerAreaMap which gives secret locations away and it's possible to backtrack and find them all. This is a box / square themed puzzle-wad inspired by the movie Cube.
Credits: Thanks to the awesome devs who made Ultimate Doom Builder. Thanks to all the cool dudes at Doomworld.com who helped me with technical issues.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 9 months, mostly around 30 mins a day during my lunch break.
Editor(s) used: UltimateDoomBuilder, Slade
Bugs: None
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