Title: Time of Sorrow (ver. 1.1)
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/tos.zip
Size: 3.2 MB
Date: 11/19/10
Author: Azamael (Kolybenko M.O.)
Description: Two big levels (~2500 sectors in map), designed in phobos base and hell keep style
Credits: Archi, Lainos, Thirteen, Nil for testing and help.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: autumn 2008 - autumn 2010
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder1, XWE
Bugs: none known
Rating: (17 votes)
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Maps architecture and light use is brillant. This author make very beautiful maps. The problem is the gameplay, a bit uninspired and not enough challenging, as in all his maps. The day he fix that, we will have new Eternal. 4/5x
Great stuffx
Awesome... but I can't finish it... get lost... : 5/5 -playerlinx
Gameplay: 4 Difficulty: 5 Fun: 5. Final rating: 4.6 Great wad had as much fun as I do with Vader's and Tormentor's maps. Recommended download for no-nonsense fun!x
I have to say, this author is making a significant progress each time he releases his new work. Tormentor, Shadowman and Eternal: beware... -Хрn 2;к Злю ;кеl 4;, 4,5/5x

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