Title: Twix
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/s-u/twix.zip
Size: 1.21 MB
Date: 01/25/20
Author: MArt1And00m3r11339
Description: Twix is another candy-themed slaughter map. This time, you are surrounded by chaingunners and your mission is to grab a megasphere as quickly as possible before you get shredded. It has a cookie, caramel, and chocolate combined to form a candy bar. Title music is "Fear of the Heavens" from Secret of Mana. Intermission music is "Victory Fanfare" from Final Fantasy 6. Music for the map is "It's in C-Minor too?", composed by Zachary Stephens (aka "Ribbiks"). Demo can be found at: https://youtu.be/gGt4xb3Qg-c
Credits: Textures and flats in this wad come from sf2012-tex, cc4-tex, GOTHICTX, NB_RECOL, and q1tex. I know that some of the texture packs use the same graphics as one another. Credit goes to the authors of those texture packs. General Rainbow Bacon for inventing the Slaughterfest series. Zachary Stephens (aka Ribbiks) for the Slaughterfest 3 resources. Sunglasses come from Deus Vult 2. Credit goes to the author(s) of the graphic. IDSoftware for the creation of Doom 2 (especially John Romero) and Doom 64 sound effects. Zachary Stephens for the midi for the map.

*If there is anything that I missed, please let me know so that I can go around and fix the information.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 5 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder, Slade 3
Bugs: None (if anything comes up, inform me so that I can attempt to fix them).
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