Title: Slipgate Complex
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/s-u/slipgate.zip
Size: 33.23 KB
Date: 03/10/99
Author: Arkadiy Nikolaev
Description: This is a base style deathmatch map for Doom 2. The only thing from Quake is a layout. Based on Quake 1 atmosphere. Best for 4-10 players. BOOM and Old DM friendly. Random thing, DM start and weapon placement. Standard tech graphic.
Credits: Programmer: Alex Korezki Users: Valeb, Chah and Jena
Base: d on Quake 1 atmosphere. Best for 4-10 players. BOOM and Old DM friendly. Random thing, DM start and weapon placement. Standard tech graphic.
Build time: Long time
Editor(s) used: DEU2, Deep and BSP
Bugs: None
Rating: (2 votes)
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