Title: Tech Base 1
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/s-u/tchbase1.zip
Size: 20.46 KB
Date: 12/13/98
Author: Dan Leslie (KillmeBoy)
Description: Simple, fast, tight.
Credits: id Software. The guys who made DETH, EDMAP, and WARM
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DETH, Edmap 1.40, WARM
Bugs: Water area looks funky in normal Doom.
Rating: (1 vote)
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Gameplay is fun, the easy to get Rocket Launcher and Plasma Gun keep the game tense. The map design is meh. Weapon placement is a bit strange. The underwater items is a nice touch, but the room with the crates isn't exactly my favorite.x

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