Title: Immortal Thoughts
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/d-f/dmc2.zip
Size: 552.76 KB
Date: 02/19/97
Author: Richard Jaspars (Styx), Ronald Buster (Cono), Andrei Romanov (Roman)
Description: Small (2 player) deathmatch wads that play best in old-dm mode skill 5.

Map01 The Credits.............by Styx
Map02 Mortal..................by Cono
Map03 The Stone Keep..........by Roman
Map04 The Dark Zone...........by Styx
Map05 Pure Madness............by Cono
Map06 Shotguns o' Fun.........by Roman
Map07 Sanctuary...............by Styx
Map08 Tribal Death............by Cono
Map09 Wooden Two..............by Roman
Map10 Fest of the Dead........by Styx
Credits: iD Software
You ! for playing this awesome wad.
Base: All levels made from scratch !
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deep, DEUTex, Psp, Wadmaster, WadAuthor
Bugs: If you find any let us know.
Rating: (2 votes)
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