Title: Akeldama
Filename: levels/doom2/megawads/akeldama.zip
Size: 7.28 MB
Date: 05/31/20
Author: Various
Description: Get ready to blaze through 32 action-packed levels fit to play in any port of choice - echoes of past megawad affairs such as Memento Mori and Alien Vendetta helped to shape the inspiration for this project. Akeldama continues in the spirit of collecting a group of talented mappers and creating a brand new experience for regular doom2.exe.
Credits: Id Software
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 years
Editor(s) used: Various
Bugs: Savegame buffer overflow on some maps (see below). glboom graphic error on MAP16. Demos 2 & 3 desync in chocolate doom.
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