Title: Shalom, welcome or farewell? -- Doom ][
Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/shalom04.zip
Size: 16.4 KB
Date: 09/19/99
Author: Elliott Pacetti
Description: UAC Outpost Nine was invaded by alien lifeforms. A reconnaissance squad of ten was sent in to assess the situation and secure the outpost. The squad leader reported that the outpost personnel had been killed, and were perhaps cloned for alien soldiers. The last contact with the squad leader was a request for reinforcements -- losing assets fast! There was no contact with the squad leader for twenty-four hours. Since all divisions had been committed to the ongoing battle for the Earth, we turnd to you. Since you were stationed at HQ, we could only arm you with your sidearm. But hey, you're trained Marine, with combat experience -- besides, you've done nothing but bitch about your desk job. You've made it through the outpost entryway, and the Underhalls below. You even managed to escape from the solitary cell and ran the gauntlet to get out of that fortified prison. Now you near the command post at the very center of the outpost. You wonder what those evil monsters left there...
Credits: * id Software for Doom * Matthew Ayres for WADED * Vernon Sauls for assistance
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 6 hours
Editor(s) used: * WADED v1.83sp
Bugs: None that I know of. If there are any, please let me know.
Rating: (2 votes)
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It's OK, but nothing special. It seems to be building up to a big final battle, but then, in rather an anticlimax, you are presented with the exit.x
This is dated November 1995. I haven't played the other levels in the series. This map is just about decent for 1995 but still not every good. It moves quickly and there's a lot of shooting, but it's very simple, and takes only a few minutes to finish. You have to find an unmarked hidden door near the start, by pressing on all the bits of wall, but apart from that there are no huge mistakes, it's just a very small and slight map.x

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