Filename: levels/doom2/s-u/ttp103.zip
Size: 997.98 KB
Date: 03/29/96
Author: Matthias Worch
Description: New Episode for DooM II, featuring 9 Levels, a new enemy, new flats & textures
Credits: id - for the game which will last forever (even with Quake coming) DENIS MOELLER/TiC for NWT GREG LEWIS for Dehacked `SKYCLAD' and `DEINE LAKAIEN' without whose music I would not have survived the last week ;) the many people who tested the levels
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadEd, DCK, Deep, NWT and Dehacked.
Bugs: Yes, of course! Hundreds, not to say thousands of them! ;)
Rating: (28 votes)
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