Title: The 12 Days of Doommas
Filename: themes/xmas/12days-v4.zip
Size: 3.71 MB
Date: 02/06/21
Author: Various, compiled by BluePineapple72
Description: The 12 Days of Doommas is a megaWAD featuring 15 speedmaps made for the December edition of BluePineapple's monthly speedmapping series.

Celebrate the wonderful holiday of Doommas by wrecking the halls in these 15 winter wonderlands! Each map was made with 12 constraints. As follows: 12 Hours of Mapping 11 Shotgun Shells 10 Sector limit 9 Elementals 8 Former humans 7 Brainy Spiders 6 Power Spheres 5 Archviles 4 Cyberdemons 3 Damage floors 2 Keycards 1 BFG
Credits: Doomxmas - Various see doomxmas file Titlepic by Aletheos Eberlain. Intermission Screen by Man With Gun Credits Page Assistance: Clarity, TrialD, ViolentBeetle
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 12 Non consecutive hours from Dec. 1-22
Editor(s) used: UDB , Slade , DB2 , Photoshop , DBX , Notepad , GIMP , DoomWriter
Bugs: None
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