Title: Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone
Filename: themes/xmas/xmaschill.zip
Size: 7.21 MB
Date: 02/06/22
Author: Clippy Clippington, Dunn & Dunn, DuckReconMajor, Dannarchy, Pistoolkip, evil_scientist, Chookum, Pez
Description: Christmas Cheer from the Chillzone was an open project from the Crispy Chicken Chillzone Discord - mappers of all skills welcome to make some fun Christmas themed maps with Doomkid's Christmas resource pack - get ready for some holiday carnage with this wild variety of maps from 21 different mappers! Maps 1-19 are the main event but please don't shy away from the bonus maps 31, 32 & 33. Pop into our Discord to say hello https://discord.gg/Q8JbU2w8d9 --- also see the Youtube promo for a sneak peek!: https://youtu.be/a4gMxTTahIw
Credits: Doomkid for his resource pack along with UberGewei who provided textures too. Special thanks for helping me and my limited abilities assemble this go to Dunn & Dunn, DuckReconMajor & Dannarchy. Those last three also to thank for extensive playtesting along with Maribo, Biodegradable, Pistoolkip, sectrslayr, Suitepee and many others who spent time with our maps!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2 months
Editor(s) used: a whole bunch of em
Bugs: Getting socks for Christmas is annoying
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