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ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #62 - Epic 2 (Part II)

They say the best wads are vanilla compatible. Let's get back to this epic hit sensation that kept the ZDaemon public occupied for a good year or so.

Skill: Ultra Violence
PWADs: epic2, epic2_zd_patch_v14, tskins1e, ,miekskins-r3, tns62
Maps: 16-32
Lives: 1
Players: 25/50

The Euro session starts at 20:00 BST (that's 15:00 EDT); the US session starts at 20:00 EDT (that's 01:00 BST)

You Got The BFG Edition! Oh, Yes.

Doom 3 BFG Edition has been released! Well, in the US anyway. You can grab the PC version on Steam, with a $10 discount available if you own the original Doom 3 on Steam.