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What do you mean, you haven't played Doom, Heretic or Hexen yet? Go and download the shareware versions here, you bastard! This section also contains some free versions for non-DOS platforms, as well as some pre-release versions. A special thanks to Lee Killough and others for their attempts to dig up these historic versions! Last but not least we support two other Doom-based games: HACX by Banjo Software and Strife by Rogue Entertainment. HACX is now officially available for free at Nostromo's site; registered Strife however isn't on the market anymore, but places like this one might still sell a copy.


Name Filesize Description 2393 KB Doom v1.9 shareware. You can download just the shareware IWAD here (1.69 MB). 5173 KB HACX shareware. You'll need Doom2 v1.9 to play it. Nostromo's site has the full version legally available. 5531 KB Hexen v1.1 shareware. You can download just the shareware IWAD here (5.00 MB). 2830 KB Heretic v1.2 shareware. You can download just the shareware IWAD here (2.22 MB). 4737 KB Strife demo v1.1. Stand-alone game which uses a heavily restructured Doom engine with RPG-like gameplay.

Non-DOS Platform Executables

Name Filesize Description 4354 KB Doom95 contains a Win95 executable and a front-end. It comes with the shareware Doom wad but works with any main wad file such as registered Doom, Doom2 and Final Doom. Unzip into a temporary directory and type 'SETUP' to install.
Linux SVGALIB Doom 166 KB Version 1.8 of this id Software port. Registered Doom or Doom2 required.
Linux X Doom 169 KB Version 1.8 of this id Software port. Registered Doom or Doom2 required.
MacDoomDemo.hqx 3377 KB MacDoom, comes with shareware Doom.
MacHexenDemo.hqx 10843 KB Shareware Hexen for the Mac.
NeXTdoom1_2.tar.gz 2105 KB Doom for NextStep, comes with shareware Doom.
qnxdoom.pax.gz 551 KB QNX Doom, comes with shareware Doom.
sgixdoom1.8.tar.gz 1961 KB v1.8 of sgixdoom.
sundgadoom-1.8.tgz 2272 KB Port of Doom v1.8 for SPARC Solaris 2.4+, comes with shareware Doom.
sundoom.tar.gz 545 KB Doom for Solaris v2.4 on the Sparc architecture. No wad file included!

Doom Alphas, Betas, And Pre-Releases

Name Filesize Description 260 KB An alpha version of Doom dating from February 4, 1993. 587 KB The long-rumored v0.3 alpha, built by id Software on February 28, 1993, almost one month later than the v0.2 tech demo and 2 months earlier than the much further progressed v0.4. 973 KB Another alpha version of Doom, dating from April 2, 1993. 1295 KB A "pre-beta" version of Doom dated May 22, 1993. 2616 KB A "press release" version of Doom dated October 4, 1993. Also needs this program which "fools" the demo into thinking that the date is sometime before October 31, 1993.