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Zandronum Friday Night Fragfest #192: SuperFast 3-way TDM and Legendary CTF

SuperFast Deathmatch will be even faster this time with three teams duking it out! American CTF won't be 3-way, but it will be Legendary, so be sure to come cap a few flags with us.

European FNF
When: November 15th, 2013, 19:00 UTC
Where: Grandvoid, UK
WADs: SFM-DM, ZandroSpree, Fuzzball's text colors, connect sound
Mode: 64-Player Team Deathmatch
Maplist: SFDM01-03, 05-35

American FNF
When: Novermber 15th, 2013, 20:00 EDT
Where: Vicious Pariah's servers
WAD's: skulltag_actors.pk3 (included with Zandronum), ST data, Oda flags, ZandroSpree, Fuzzball's text colors
Mode: 24-Player Capture the Flag
Maplist: MAP01, 04-07, 10-18, 20

If you want to join, you'll need to download the latest version of Zandronum. You can find out anything else you need to know about Zandronum here. More specific details for this event can be found here.