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Everything posted by Sharessa

  1. Sharessa

    Few minor additions / bug fixes

    Nice coding, Ling. Now the forums look less like an abandoned project from the 90's. Let's see if I still have a signature here.
  2. I posted here for about ten straight years and I still have trouble remembering certain people, even people here nearly as long as me or longer. Aside from mostly those I still talk to, I don't really know anyone here anymore. Who the hell are all you people? There's nothing really wrong with that though. It's just as likely than in real life people will eventually blend together for you. Do you remember all the people you went to school with or work with? Thanks to the Monkey Sphere Principle, if you have an active social life, you're even less likely to remember people you deal with over the internet due to there just being more people in your life that you have to keep track of. Yeah, I stopped posting about Doom-related stuff years ago because it was all the same discussions made over and over again, with some unnecessary community drama thrown in there every once in a while. After posting exclusively on EE and Blogs for several years, it got to the point where even those discussions became boring and repetitive, and so I stopped posting altogether.
  3. Sharessa

    List your 3 favorite cocktails

    White Russians Whiskey and Coke Slippery Nipple Mostly just the Caucasians though. If there's no half-and-half I'll go with the whiskey (preferably Crown Royal) and coke. Otherwise I'll just start mixing stuff and see what I come up with. I once mixed Kahlua and raspberry vodka and got something that tasted EXACTLY like a raspberry Frango. Also worth mentioning is my friend's line of MLP-themed cocktails of her invention, the "Rarity" being my personal favorite - champagne and some blue citrus liqueur (with some rock candy for flavor). I've made some variations based on it. I mostly agree with you on this. I've drank it straight, and it usually ends badly because it tastes like water gone bad and is made of pure gut-dissolving acid. However, its tastelessness is what makes it such a great mixer, as it adds a bite to just about any flavor. Granted, I'm not a big fan of straight alcohol overall. Rum tastes like poison syrup. Gin is like eating a juniper bush (which I discovered was a bad idea when I was six). Tequila is slightly better than rum, but not by much. Manly-man American whiskey like Jack Daniels tastes like licking a barrel to the point that I feel that I have splinters in my tongue when I'm done with it. I basically just enjoy light whiskey and bourbon when it comes to straight alcohol (aside from liqueurs, natch).
  4. Sharessa

    Novel writing

    Yeah, I've got a note file that I write down story ideas on. It's a good go-to when you get writer's block.
  5. Sharessa

    Employee Engagement

    BlackFish is making promotional sets for Game of Thrones? Fuck me, times change.
  6. Portal and it's clones, like Qube and Antichamber. Also, "games" like Dear Esther and Gone Home. Also, if you want to beat the Thief games on hard mode, you can't injure anyone.
  7. Sharessa

    Post your amount of Steam games here.

    244 Games owned 240 DLC owned I don't even know how I got all that DLC.
  8. Sharessa

    Post Hell song?

    I remember when it got changed fairly regularly. I'm pretty sure this one's been around for about five years now.
  9. Sharessa

    Gamespy shutting down in may

    More like...Gayspy.
  10. Sharessa

    Novel writing

    Well my first advice would be don't start with a novel if you've never written anything before. Rather, you should just write whatever comes to you. Keep a folder on your desktop full of ideas and rough drafts. Just write whatever comes to mind: short stories, fanfics, essays, observations or whatever else suits your fancy. Spend your free time posting on forums writing eloquent posts until you've learned to string your words together like a goddamn wordsmith. Then you spend as much free time as you can spend putting digital pen to digital paper and processing your thoughts into a physical medium. Reading as much as you can while you do so helps as well. Well-written prose will absorb into your brain, invading your subconscious until you start pissing flowery words. Avoid any kind of fanfic communities, TVTropes, or anything of that sort. They speak a sort of language that's alien to any other known language and ends up poisoning their writing with terrible grammar and bad cliches. Or else you can spend most of your free time planning what you're going to write, slowly cobbling together stories one drowsy late night at a time, reading over them at another date, then deleting them forever in frustration. That's the way I do it, anyway.
  11. Sharessa

    Reasons not to tip

    I always tip roughly 20%, maybe a little extra, maybe a little less depending on the service. I'm bad at math, so I round up when I'm paying with debit to get an even number, and get a bit generous when paying with cash (like throwing down $3 for a $10 meal. I've never been in a situation where I felt like giving a small or no tip, but for one thing I usually just eat at places I know have good service. For another thing, I used to work at a restaurant I know the shit that goes down behind the scenes. Delays in service are sometimes not the server's fault, nor are wrong orders. All kinds of disasters can go on behind the scenes. Bad service, in my opinion, is basically a bad attitude or neglectfulness, which I've seen from time to time. I think the tip system is pretty retarded, though. It's not really an incentive to provide good service, but rather the opposite. Any good server worth their salt is going to give it their all no matter what, but I've seen some do their best for a table without complications and they STILL get stiffed on the tip because their customer doesn't believe in tips or some bullshit. I've seen this literally end in tears, and it usually throws the server off their game for the rest of the night. So yeah, tip your goddamn servers when you dine out, or don't dine out at all.
  12. You'd have to be completely retarded to think that's a real person. So yeah, good job in weeding out the sub-IQs from the population.
  13. Sharessa

    Totalbiscuit does Brutal Doom.

    Shit, I was gonna post this myself. Looked like something you guys would be interested in. Oh well, I posted it in the Facebook group. Anyway, this kind of makes me want to play Brutal Doom, which looks kind of fun (weird melee stuff aside). It's been years since I actually sat down and played any Doom, so I think it's high time that I do again. The funny thing is, TB would agree with you. He hates Let's Plays and reviews and claims he doesn't do either. His WTF Is... series (which this video is very similar to) aren't reviews so much as just a 15-30 minute look at the game to get first impressions, which is usually enough to form an opinion on whether or not the game is worth buying. Personally, I enjoy his opinion more than most and base my impressions of games off of his stuff very often. And he really dislikes Let's Plays for a lot of the reasons you describe there. He HATES Pewdiepie (which is funny now that they're partnered with the same network and TB's friends and collaborators are doing videos with him) and thinks the idea of someone filming gameplay footage of themselves running around a game for hours with inane comments to be terrible. His WTF IS... videos are relatively short and don't show the whole game, so really don't count. He does do a long-running LP of Terraria with Jesse Cox, though he rationalizes it as more of a talk show with gameplay going on in the background. Still, it's probably one of the best LP series out there due to the dynamic between the two. Most of the other stuff on his channel is gaming news and competitive gaming (he got his start as an e-sports commentator after all). Shit, I do the same thing, for similar reasons. It's easy to fall asleep to some mindless banter and repetitive gameplay footage. Better than staring at the walls and giving in to the dark recesses of my mind, at any rate. I usually choose games I've already played through, so I know what I missed while I was sleeping. This.
  14. Sharessa


    Oh shit, how did I miss this going on Greenlight or even TotalBiscuit covering it? I should check it out and see if I can't get a copy.
  15. Sharessa

    GTA 5 will be out tomorrow, has 98% on metacritic

    I know how you feel. Rockstar hates us PC gamers for some reason. I heard the studio that made RDR got one of their games massively pirated back in the day which is why they refuse to release to PC ever again, and it's also the reason Rockstar in general makes late PC releases which are shitty ports. At any rate, it's annoying that you have to play such a nice looking game on old systems with issues. I saw a video earlier today of someone's plane suddenly exploding in midair and them dying and failing a mission because of a tree that hadn't loaded. That being said, I've been playing the fuck out of SA, and finally made it to Las Venturas and I have to say I LOVE the sheer size of the map in this game. That's a selling point alone, and the fact that the GTA V map is allegedly 3x the size makes me want to play it even more. Also, I went back and played some more SR3 and I can see some issues with it now. For one thing, the map is about as small as the one in GTA 3, which if really tiny. The open, countryside roads in SA are a big plus. Also, SR3 has worse AI than even SA which is kind of sad. Your homies can't jump fences or anything despite the player being able to which leads to leaving them behind a lot. I do have to say that the controls are better (since they actually developed it for the PC) and it's great that they give you access to all the areas first thing in the game. They're really different games for different tastes, all things considered.
  16. Sharessa

    GTA 5 will be out tomorrow, has 98% on metacritic

    There's health regen? Doesn't seem like a bad idea. One thing I hate in the GTA games is when you die from being hit by a car because you forgot you were in a gunfight 3 in-game days ago after driving your car around in the meantime. At least in SA there are fast food places every few blocks where you can pay to get health back, and they sell armor at the Ammunations.
  17. Sharessa

    Dope documentaries

    You want a dope documentary? Try Super High Me. LOLOLOLOL but seriously, it was a pretty good movie.
  18. Sharessa

    Doom Plushies

    Why does this shit always have to come out when I have no money? I think a pinkie demon would make a better plush.
  19. Sharessa

    Jurassic World to Hit Theaters June 12, 2015

    Is this close enough?
  20. Sharessa

    GTA 5 will be out tomorrow, has 98% on metacritic

    Oh yeah, also this:
  21. Sharessa

    What do you think about AVGN?

    Never was a fan of AVGN. When it comes to gaming videos, I usually watch TotalBiscuit and Jesse Cox. Also, I've recently discovered Dunkey, who is fucking hilarious.
  22. Sharessa

    GTA 5 will be out tomorrow, has 98% on metacritic

    Oh boy, Tumblr "feminism" has come to Doomworld. Not like I post here anymore anyway, so I don't know why I care. Look, people are people, so you have to treat them as such. Being assravaged because some game didn't have a strong female lead then blaming it on all the white males in the world just makes you a whiny asshole. Also, white knighting to get yourself pussy just means you're a huge faggot and a bigger misogynist than anyone who has fun playing a Grand Theft Auto game. More on topic, I wish I could play GTA V just based on the facts that it has a huge fucking map, the graphics are nice, and it looks like it has a lot of neat features in it. Being a welfare case myself, I can't afford it or a console to run it on, so I'll probably wait until the PC version is on Steam for $20. So in 2-3 years. In the meantime, I've been inspired to play San Andreas again and maybe actually finish it this time. If I get through that, I also have Vice City and GTA 4 to work on as well. And I haven't even touched Just Cause 2 or Burnout: Paradise. Also, tertiary side note: I came to the conclusion that despite being a more over-the-top over-sexualized hyper-violent clone of the GTA series, Saints Row 3 alone has more well-written female characters than the entirety of the GTA series. It even lets you play as a woman if you want.
  23. Sharessa

    Gentlemen, are we getting old?

    I don't need some dumb quiz to tell me I have white hair growing in around my temples.
  24. Start watching gaming channels on YouTube, then start sniffing around Steam, gog.com, and the Humble Bundles. You'll find dozens if not hundreds of games you want to play.
  25. Sharessa

    Ray Manzarek dies

    RIP in piece. He was the best member of the band. Jim Morisson's lyrics were terrible, but the band's keyboards were super fucking awesome.