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  1. Past hour
  2. I got glasses today, I've been Myopic all my life and didn't know

  3. Yesterday
  4. kdot fucking murdered drake

  5. Who is that strange background pony in your profile picture?

    1. 8088mph


      I wonder...

  6. Where caco reaction bubble

  7. I've got half a mind to drop my 220-map deathmatch compilation later tonight.


    It's completely assembled, I'm just double-checking for any issues!


    I'll keep y'all posted!




  8. Last week
  9. What happened to this user...

    1. Gothic


      He insulted the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, of which the Doomworld mods are huge fans.

  10. What I'm working on right now:


    - Turning my 162-map deathmatch collection into a 203(+) deathmatch collection for Zandronum - 'Frantik Collection v2'.

    - Compiling all 42 of my CTF levels into one convenient pack - 'Vexillology Anthology'.

    - Finishing up / testing 'Rebound Deathmatch'.

    - Working on Accelerated Arenas / testing it further w/ my participants.

    - Working on a random little Otex1.1 deathmatch pack I started a few days ago, currently unnamed - aiming for 6 maps, working on the 5th right now.

    - Releasing many miscellaneous single maps I have laying around.

    - Continued work on the dozen or so maps I've made for a D64 deathmatch project.


    A lot of this is finished, or nearly finished, so expect some new releases soon!



    1. Arrowhead


      Correction, I forgot to add Havok DM 2, so this will likely be a 217 map collection...

    2. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      Absolute juggernaut, this lad.

  11. puppy dog. im a puppy dog. im a silly billy fluffy wuffy puppy dog.

  12. 01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110000 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100010 01101001 01101110 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01100101 01010010 01010100 01000011 01010111 01100100 01101000 01101101

  13. The city of nightmare


  14. It's nice to see how my art sketches slowly improving - from my first sketchbook doodles to attempts at more advanced drawings in other sketchbooks. I still have a lot to learn and understand, but I'm enjoying process. I hope that one day I'll be skilled as I'm now with doom mapping after long years. 


    I'm still alive and lurking in forums, but these days I don't have much to say and contribute, besides life things are getting in my way from time to time. Anyway, have a good day anyone who will read this!

  15. Few more silly gifs now that despawn zones are accessible:


    Frogcute enemy spawner:



    Boss lurking, you'll see them in a few places like this before reaching their arena:



    Boss arena with spectators and a definitely not ominous sign:


  16. thinking about
    esports world cup
    and stuff like evo
    and thinking about how when money gets injected into a scene
    everyone in that scene now has to act like they have money

    and it kinda gets masqueraded a bit

    you need sponsors just to reaccess something you were part of before

    and particularly with evo

    even though it was BOUGHT by sony it was running nearly as many ads as last year

    and those ads are no longer particularly necessary to sustain the event


    magic the gathering too suffers from proximity to money imo

    potentially even worse

    cos everyone's so upbeat about the transformation towards content

    that the whole "get your money" mantra just gets bounced off everyone

    and the product itself gets worse because of its multiverse ambition

    and most everyone who's being successful playing with that product doesn't give a fuck about what it portrays

    that'd be cringe and unchill and part of being pro is apparently not having opinions about shit yr superiors do


    all these top players heading to the uae

    pairs getting money with throwing other communities under the bus doesn't it


    i really hate it i really need to readjust what i watch and what i support from now on

    1. yakfak


      mmm i don't even think this is what i mean

      i think im more upset that i'm so easily distracted by this stuff and why can't i concentrate on things that haven't been so clearly co-opted

  17. Woah, I'm so relieved to see myself again in the forum after almost five days of no internet access in my country. The internet just restored an hour ago and still no access in the social/communication apps but luckily I can enter here so visited the forum at once because I was missing this place very much and I was excited too. I'm glad to be here again!

  18. I've abandoned the previous project a bit. The abandoned space station is now truly abandoned, but now by me.

    I've made some progress in Slope and 3D floors. So I'll tease you with the current project - it doesn't have a special name yet and is simply called 0618. Why these numbers? Those who study at an art or math university/college or have ever been into art/math will easily recognize it.

    When I finish this project, will I abandon it or will I return to the previous one, who knows. I'm just doing it while it's being done.

    photo_2024-07-23_17-33-01 (2).jpg

  19. Coming soon!


    A small 5 map deathmatch pack featuring immense verticality + jump/bounce-focused gameplay!


    Thanks to @mothvox for helping me get some testing in - still gotta do some more, but this is most of the way there!


    This project used to be called Havok DM 3, but I felt it was enough of 'its own thing' to warrant calling it something different!


    Hoping to get this out in a couple days!


    This is the TITLEPIC:




    Font is from a text generator website, [I'm no graphic designer :P]

    Screenshot is from MAP02 of this pack - 'Very Vertical'.



    1. Daytime Waitress

      Daytime Waitress

      Font is super "early-200X concept of a futuristic sports/deathmatch" - evocative af.

  20. Maybe my demo mirrors what I think would get clicks and isn't *really* creative or interesting, maybe what I *need* to do is make something inaccessible.

  21. After heavy backlash, the terry gigawad will be no more than a megawad with 16 chapters (maps) and 4 secret chapters

  22. steph sterling latest video about AI is great

    between them and the work of Some More News i'm enjoying building up resistance to certain types of scams and AI fully qualifies

  23. Oh hey, i noticed that i've been on this site for a year, woah.


    Who would've guessed that this hyperfixation would last more than a few months like it usually does, hehe.

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