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Everything posted by Sharessa

  1. Sharessa

    Yep, we're such a funny country

    IIRC, there's a city in Eastern Europe with a statue of Frank Zappa. Now THAT is awesome. EDIT: It's in Vilnius, and it's just a bust. Still awesome.
  2. Sharessa

    Homeless people

    Yes, apparently you did. Honestly, I'd never own my own house because I'm lazy and would never get any yard work done. If I were rich, I'd probably buy a condo, though.
  3. Sharessa

    Has anyone done this?

    Is that the game where you can run over the outhouses and if you press 'H' to get a helicopter to rescue you (and sometimes a pterodactyl would come instead)? I remember playing that game a lot even though I just had the demo with two trucks and one map. I did the same thing you did, gaining top speed on the flat plane around the track then ramping off the hills around the track.
  4. Sharessa

    Effing YouTube ads

    Last time I browsed Doomworld without an ad-blocker, they had those Trojan Magnum ads everywhere. I'm really amazed anyone who's remotely tech-savvy still browses the internet without one. It literally takes 30 seconds to install.
  5. That Vice Guide tour is pretty amazing. I've watched it 2-3 times, and it was a bit chilling every time.
  6. Sharessa

    Homeless people

  7. Hmm, I thought it was exactly the kind of soundtrack the game needed, myself. It gets you really pumped and makes you want to keep playing. Especially the music from the final level. It also reminds me of the sort of music you'd hear on SNES games for some reason, despite being much more high-quality.
  8. I see you watched that Total Biscuit video too, Sodaholic. Agreed. Mass Effect was pretty good, but a lot of these games just go for the most generic orchestral pieces, much like most modern movies. I think some of the best soundtracks I've heard in recent times are Portal 2, Spiral Knights, and Jamestown.
  9. Sharessa

    Michigan Vagi-- DENIED!

    I dunno, there are some places where I live that have a dozen places of worship along any stretch of road. There's one place with 3 baptist churches within 2 blocks of each other. And this is on the Left Coast.
  10. The Internet? Who cares.
  11. Sharessa

    70's/80's early computer animation

    Considering the time it was made, the computer animation in Tron is really amazing. The insane thing is that computers were so underpowered back then that it took them several hours to render each frame.
  12. Sharessa

    What gaming moments really wowed you?

    The part where the world ends in Final Fantasy 6 was pretty awesome, and is still pretty amazing every time I play it.
  13. Sharessa

    Let's talk about movies

    Last movie I saw in theaters was War Horse. It was pretty good. A lot more death than you'd expect from a Disney movie, but a lot less violent than you'd expect a war movie to be. Another movie I saw recently was Redline. Someone was streaming it on the tubes. It's probably the most artistically awesome anime I've seen. It was also surprisingly...European feeling. I didn't know it was Japanese until someone told me halfway through the movie. It's almost like a Heavy Metal movie. It also has a pretty good soundtrack.
  14. Sharessa

    Has anyone done this?

    If anyone here has played a lot of Final Fantasy VI, you should read this: http://lparchive.org/Breaking-Final-Fantasy-VI/ It's a long read but pretty amazing, and you might shit bricks at the end.
  15. Sharessa

    A polite rebuttal to Sodaholic's OPL Thread

    I actually can't remember which came first. I didn't pay any attention to consoles back then. The truth of it is, though, that the SNES divided its graphics and sound evenly, but the Genesis was more like 60/40. The trade-off was that the SNES had richer music so they could pull off stuff like the FF6 or Chrono Trigger soundtrack, but the Genesis could have richer graphics.
  16. Sharessa

    A polite rebuttal to Sodaholic's OPL Thread

    Yes, but compare the soundtrack... To what it would sound like had it been on the SNES: It might not have the best instrumentation, but its definitely a much richer sound.
  17. Sharessa

    Michigan Vagi-- DENIED!

    God damnit, Virginia. You're supposed to be the most progressive of all the southern states.
  18. Sharessa

    A polite rebuttal to Sodaholic's OPL Thread

    Everything on Genesis had crappy music. They gimped the sound to get more graphics out of those 16 bits.
  19. They were doing it all day today as well. I'm sad to admit that when I get my tax return, I'll probably buy about $50 worth of stuff in TF2. My justification is that I play the shit out of the game and they kind of deserve the dosh for making something so fun.
  20. Well, within 24 hours, they sold over 100 of those, so if you do the math, Gaben is probably literally rolling in dough from that alone.
  21. I don't know how many people here play TF2, but they came out with a new item in the store which is ring with a personalized message for $100. Oh yeah, and every time someone buys one, it announces it to everyone playing at the time along with the message. Let's just say that there are certainly a lot of furries playing TF2, and a lot of gay love going on.
  22. Relationships are for faggots. I spent the day watching Trains, Planes, and Automobiles then playing EU3 for several hours.
  23. Doom, I guess. I've played it so much that its more routine than nostalgic, but it still reminds me a bit of my childhood. All the old platformer games like Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Jill of the Jungle, Xargon, and Jazz Jackrabbit. That's a huge chunk of my childhood right there. If you want to delve even deeper, mention something I've almost forgotten like Turbo Science or Mutant Space Bats of Doom. Oh shit...
  24. Sharessa

    The Tea Party's War on Transportation

    As if public transportation wasn't already terribly underfunded. I have to drive 10 miles to catch the bus where I live.
  25. Sharessa

    What gaming moments really wowed you?

    Doom was pretty amazing when I first saw it. Duke Nukem 3D was pretty sweet because of all the realistic environments, and Quake was cool because fucking polygons. I also remember Half-Life being pretty amazing, what with its interesting method of storytelling (letting the player walk around during scripted events instead of cut scenes) and fairly unique enemies at the time. Civilization intrigued me with its level of complexity and its resource of historical data, and it actually got me really into history. Years later, I'm finding Europa Universalis 3 and Crusader Kings 2 to be even more intricate and interesting. In the past year, both Portal 2 and Mass Effect sucked me in with amazing story and fun gameplay to the point where I uncharacteristically beat them in a short amount of time (within 48 hours of Portal 2's release and in less than 2 weeks for Mass Effect). Only other game I remember having that effect on me was Fallout.