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Everything posted by Nrg01

  1. Nrg01

    Innocence X2 - v1.2 Now on Idgames

    No complaints about the first part but this one exceeded my expectations. Details are king and this one delivers even more than the first part. The second level was unique, seeing that dead body fall, I liked the idea. The first secret level...damn, you did nail that one with the hellish atmosphere and unifying two worlds. I wish to have more of that nightmare-like levels. The sixth map was very good, and I wasn't expecting the second secret level. That one surprised me, particularly the way the demon key appeared which is original. The first boss fight surprised me, I kept looking at the green flames, wasn't expecting a boss fight, so the surprise element worked wonders. The new sound for the Arch-vile kicks the original into dust. You're definitely getting better at mixing both atmospheres (PSX Doom and Doom 64) into one. There's just two complaints: too few boss fights (where's the Spider Mastermind?) and the laughing sound...destroyed the mood the WAD developed for me because it did not sound terrifying/demonic at all, so that needs either tweaking or getting rid of it in my opinion. Ignoring that, overall this one left me wanting even more of these kind of WADs and even darker atmosphere levels. Keep up the great work!
  2. Top notch work and atmosphere with this one. Really looking forward to the rest of the levels!
  3. Nrg01

    Earth - 7 maps for Doom64EX

    Looking forward to it along with more dark traps like level 4 when you pick up the Soulsphere. Really felt the Doom 64 vibe in that level, it was my favorite. Keep up the good work!
  4. Nrg01

    Earth - 7 maps for Doom64EX

    I tried what you have released so far. I like it despite being a work in progress. Granted, the first level was design wise interesting, I liked the poisoned water touch, but the rest of the level was kinda boring. In fact for such a large level I was expecting a Cyberdemon or two. So far I'm a fan of interconnected stages and really loved level 4. I only wished it wasn't short as it is cuz I liked the atmosphere set by the hybrid/specimen stuff. Nice touch in level 6 with the Barrels of Fun homage. Speaking about that level, there are some pop-up textures right behind you in the beginning if you look to the building. It's too bad the Doom64EX engine literally hates my integrated GPU...crashes a lot, hence why I stick to Doom 64TC which doesn't crash and has (IMO) more interesting effects despite lacking the original lightning system. In the end, I'd love to see more Doom64 WADs...and no you don't suck at making maps.
  5. Maybe you missed the other thread? https://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/84850-released-psx-doom-the-lost-levels/
  6. I'm afraid I did not explain myself well. I know what you mean, I was just asking for a way to kinda disguise that a bit on those two cases by lowering pillars and stuff. The way it is now it's too obvious, if you know what I mean.
  7. Back! Alright, first topic I'll be talking about floating things. You tell me if something can be done about the following two examples. ^ Lost37 - River Styx - I suggest putting the base of those candles (or whatever those are called) behind that bar on a lower pillar or bar. Looks bad floating there and kinda ruins the level presentation which is pretty great overall. ^ All Lost60 variants - You tell me if something can be done so monsters don't look like they're walking on thin air in that corridor. ^ Back to Lost37 - River Styx - Texture misplace, west part of the map. ^ Lost45 - The Crypt - That entrance door which closes behind you looks weird. Is it supposed to look like that? If I activate the noclip cheat, it looks alright on the other side. ^ Lost53 - Impossible Mission - There's an invisible wall if you run to that portal facing that way. Also, there are several texture bugs in this level that you'll notice. ^ Lost71 - Cyberden - Texture misplace. I may have missed others. ^ Lost72 - Go2It - North of the map, that ceiling's low for their heads. EDIT: Added Lost53 bug pic.
  8. Wonderful! I recently moved (again) and am looking for a job. That's why. I shall come back soon.
  9. Thanks. Remember I posted the other day I only played SNES and PSX's Doom version. I never got to play the PC version. Thanks for the information! About Caribbean, I was talking about a weird line on the floor which looks like a division between a bright and a dark spot. I'll stop reporting stuff for a while. These are very busy months.
  10. Ok, yet another round. This one I had to post because there are a lot of texture related bugs in this particular level. I'm talking about Lost32: Main Processing (formerly Central Processing). One bug inside the base, but several on the biggest side of the level. The whole zone is dark so I had turn on "Light amplification visor" cheat to show the missing step textures and more. Oh and I could never trigger the far southeast enemies to wake up and ambush me. I'd like to know if I'm the only one. ^ Are those supposed to be mid-air? *slightly off-topic* Also, how do I get to the other side without jumping? ^ Missing step texture on that little elevator before the secret area. It's not visible if you come from the other side. ^ Another missing step texture. ^ OK, those images explain for themselves. At the exit area (the last image) I cannot jump off that ledge. Invisible barrier prevents me unless I cheat around (noclip or crouch).
  11. Another round. ^ Lost24 - Metal. That secret right at the start doesn't open for me. Does it for you? I saw a video on YouTube and it's supposed to open like any door without a switch. ^ Lost29 - Dead Zone. That monster never "woke up" for me unlike the others. Completionists might get angry lol. ^ Same level (Lost29: Dead Zone). This one's pretty obvious. Texture-related. ^ Lost70 - Caribbean. That ceiling's too low and looks even worse when Revenants walk to that point. ^ Minor stuff. Same level (Lost70: Caribbean). That little division on the floor is also seen on the other side. Also, I think Caribbean's too bright to be a nocturne level. It'd look kinda scarier darker. http://i.imgur.com/XryGvEV.png?1 ^ Lost30 - Mill. When I proceed to that secret door, that texture floor appears and... http://i.imgur.com/Ys5IgTk.png?1 ^ ...it gets uglier if I get inside.
  12. Ah yes, that stair ceiling bug on Lost07 caught me off guard. Weirdest one I've seen yet (I have the camera controls activated so I tend to look around). About the texture issues, yes I found several but I am mainly focusing on major ones as you've seen. I wish I could fix up the maps but I've no experience there. All I can do for the time being is point (report) them as I find them. I will soon be traveling so I won't have time. Also don't thank me, I thank you and everyone involved in the project. Top talent! I never imagined I would get to play these with the PSX engine. Especially when I've never played nor liked the PC version (grew with Doom SNES then PSX).
  13. No sound or visual feedback. No new open doors either. Try it yourself to see if you've the same results. Nope. I found it here: https://www.doomworld.com/vb/post/1291283
  14. Let's see. I haven't been able to play much these days but I found some more. Lost07: Downtown. Now you can't see the bug... ^ Now you do. ^ There's a pretty nasty teletransport bug for the monsters sometimes at Lost18: Black Tower. Also... ^ There's that switch that doesn't even work. Same level. Also, I think Lost16: Bloodsea (I think that's the name) has a switch behind a corpse that doesn't have visual feedback when you shoot it. It's the very small room with a Hell Knight. Oh and for some reason, every time I play Lost22: Open Season, there's a high chance the whole game crashes. I'm using the latest GZDoom (one released 2014-12-27). Only having that issue on that level sporadically. All others work perfectly. Gonna keep looking. ^ Edit: Forgot something about Lost22: Open Season. It's a switch close to the red key, what's it for? Another one that doesn't work.
  15. Fine by me and...damn that was quick! Ok, the following one may be considered a minor nitpick. Lost04: Against Thee Wickedly. Only these three trees get stuck in walls depending the player's angle. I'm gonna keep looking. If I find more stuff on other levels, I shall gather several in one post to avoid thread clutter.
  16. Lost18 - Black Tower. I guess this is the same situation DeXiaZ found at The Warrens level. Gonna keep looking around. Using God Mode, fooling around, looking for bugs.
  17. I saw this little bug a month ago but forgot to report it. Lost Level 11: The Spirit World, first room on the right when you go to the bright room and suddenly a "transparent" (the bug) door closes right behind you (a trap).
  18. Tested all your levels and this was the one I liked most. First time playing these levels. No issues to report. Thanks for your efforts making these a reality. Top notch work!
  19. @Eris Falling - Had zero issues finishing the Innermost Dens wad. Pretty great job. @DeXiaZ - Amazing Doom64 vibes in your custom music package. I liked a lot the music at Mount Pain, Odyssey of Noises, Mephisto, Bad Dream and Dis/Go2It. Overall amazing job with this TC. I was very amazed by everything. Clearly, the PSX engine and music enhanced the atmosphere in these stages a lot. I played this TC right after Doom64 TC. I wonder if PSX-ing "No Rest For The Living" is possible.
  20. Greetings. I've two small (command) questions I've been trying to find answers to for a while. Is it possible to use the idclev command or another method to change level inside the Lost Levels episode? It's working only for the other episodes. Last question related to the first one is about how to load the most recent wad since it loads on LOST73.