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Posts posted by Azzalack

  1. archvile82 said:

    Not to cause an argument but I really dislike it when people who comment on something and use the word "we" as if it's fact that everyone thinks the same. It's your opinion only , some might agree with it and others won't so next time use the "I" instead. As you can tell I disagree 😁

    I would say that "we" is being used correctly at first in my reply because the game is a console port, but I will DEFINITELY concede and say that my opinion of the game should have been separated from that by being put in another sentence. One is an opinion, and the other actually has evidence to support it. As such, I have to apologize for assuming collective opinion.

  2. I am new here, but not new to the site or to DooM. I have played tens of thousands of hours of Project B and several hundred hours of Vanilla. I am planning to do Wad Reviews on Youtube. I have every single DooM wad ever made backed up to a hard drive. I studied the design of DooM and wrote an essay on it for my Game Design class. I live, eat, breath, and bleed DooM.

    Gentle-DoomGuys and LaDemons, it seems to me to be that what we have here is a console port of a bad game on our hand that fails to recognize what it is about DooM that we like, and also fails to recognize what it is about BD and PB that (some of us) like; most importantly, it fails to see how the two work in tandem. They can add all of the nice graphical options they want, and add all of the "2edgy" gore they want, it is clear that they did not approach DooM 4 with the right attitude whatsoever, and had no intention of making a real successor to DooM.

    That said, I am trying the following to better the game experience:
    +toggle r_skipMotionBlur 1 +set g_fov 130 +set cg_fov 130 +set com_skipIntroVideo 1

    Here are my results, I hope they help:

    *I notice a slight difference in FOV, but the game still hurts to look at. I quit after an hour of play.
    *Skipping the intro works fine.
    *I could not tell whether the motion-blur is disabled or not, but the game is hard to look at no matter what. So, it does not matter much to me.
