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Everything posted by Vominus

  1. Vominus

    open choice poll....comedians

    That's from his cameo appearence in Half Baked. It's a great comedy about a bunch of silly potheads who live together in an apartment. Highly recommended (no pun intended).
  2. Vominus

    ZDOOM Question

    ZDoom is purrrrrrdy. I like to stare at distant things in 1280x1024.
  3. If Microsoft wasn't so desperate to get some killer apps out on X-Beast we'd probably be playing Halo on our PCs and patiently awaiting Project Ego. I'm also psyched about the revamped version of Shenmue 2. The first one had lots of problems but opened many doors for Yu Suzuki that I'm anxious to explore.
  4. Vominus

    stuff that should be invented.

    I want to see a device that could write a complete song for you at the push of a button. I'm not talking randomly (crappily) placed notes, I mean real sounding songs. It could write them in a particular style. Like say there was an Iron Maiden option: You'd probably get a song that starts with a gentle acoustic riff that progresses into harmonized melodies played as single notes on each guitar in 4 bar phrases and then repeated in either the major or minor of that key (most likely e minor). The vocal lines would probably harmonize for the choruses and there might be a chant in the mid-section. The solos would be easy since the device would be familiar with scales and modes. Although the more I think about this the more far fetched it seems. Then again a person could just go write music in the style of a band that's influenced him, but I still think it'd be interesting to hear a computer do it.
  5. Halo is definitely reason enough to own an X-Box, and plenty of other games in development still have the potential to be great. Peter Molyneux is doing an X-Box exclusive RPG currently titled Project Ego. It sounds amazing
  6. Vominus


    I can really see the pencil/paper qualities on the impish demon that's up close now that I've spent some time admiring this drawing. Again I think it's great.
  7. Vominus

    open choice poll....comedians

    I completely forgot about him. That guy is amazing. I remember listening to old Bill Cosby records with a friend while playing SNES back in the good ole days when it wan't so old. His voices for all the different characters he'd speak about really stick out in my memory. He's definitely up there. Andy Kaufman is another fine specimen of comedian and holds an interesting place in my memory. A year or two ago my friends and I were exploring a house that had recently burned down and we found pictures scattered/burned in an upstairs room that seemed to suggest old people lived there. Somewhere in what looked like a living room by what was once a couch was a stack of old TV Guides from 1982, and the one on top had Andy Kaufman on the cover. I've got it packed away in storage now. It's always had a weird, haunted feeling to it. The look on Andy's face is also insane. Sorry for rambling... I've said all I meant to.
  8. That's a quality drawing. I'm impressed. Layouts and organization are my skills. I also like to tamper with other people's art in Photoshop just for fun. Here's a layout I did for a friend's band using a picture from an aging (1990) issue of a nature magazine I picked up for free at a booksale. Hvelvengel av Helvete I don't usually use any tools or formulas for centering, most placement is just eye-balled. That way it feels a little more like art, to me anyway.
  9. Vominus


    This pop-up ad must DIE, DIE, DIE. I wouldn't mind it if I only had to close it once or twice, but on every single freaking page I open is a different story. The best kept secret in travel is the worst aspect of the internet.
  10. Vominus


    /me downloads opera und /me thanks for the tip
  11. Vominus

    Levels and stuff

    I would love to see some of the classic maps realized through the power of modern technology. Maybe Id won't do it, but that doesn't mean the fans can't.
  12. Vominus

    fod's grandson

    Children and Doom are always an interesting combination. I was introduced to it when I was 10, and have been hooked ever since. I remember a friend from junior high who's little brother liked it when we splattered former humans with rockets because "they turned into crabs."
  13. Vominus


    Well... I seem to have caused a nice little stir in the forums for once. Maybe now you understand my name and my avatar a bit better. I am vominus (adj.) - he who is vominable, the advominous one. I'm a small being in the world of Doomworld, but I have a voice and get annoyed just like anyone else. The only purpose of this thread was to solve a problem through voiceing an opinion (which had been formed only shortly beforehand). I didn't join these forums to become a thorn in everyone's side. As I've heard others say before me: "Opinions are like an ass hole... everyone's got one"
  14. Vominus

    Michelle Branch

    Right on, tobester. Beavis and Butthead is what I miss the most, but I have sooo many episodes on tape that it doesn't really matter. It also sucks that Singled Out was taken off, cause after JM it was Carmen Electra and she's one helluva hottie too. Plus nothing was more satisfying than seeing some young stud get pared up with some ugly ass beast of a woman.
  15. Vominus

    open choice poll....comedians

    I like Bob Sagget(?) when he's not on Full House. "Ya ever suck dick for coke?" His stand-up is incredibly vulgar and surprisingly good.
  16. Vominus

    I got an awesome new computer!

    My Univac 20 eats all your computers for breakfast.
  17. Vominus

    Stupid Page I did

    Maybe you should search Morpheus for some random prank calls. It wouldn't be quite the same, but it'd atleast give the site a little variety until you get some decent originals. Then again Morpheus is probably just full of ripped Jerky Boys pranks anyway.
  18. Vominus


    I did that, and it hasn't helped, and I already have mediamgr.ugo.com in my RS, so now what do you suggest, ya dolt??
  19. Vominus


    Only when the pop-ups cease to exist.
  20. Vominus

    Stupid Page I did

    Ok... I think those were some of the weakest prank calls I've ever heard. The idea of your site is great, but you're gonna have to do a lot better than "Chinese Cookies" to keep me coming back for more.
  21. Vominus

    Michelle Branch

    I don't have cable TV anymore, but I lost interest in MTV when they axed Headbanger's Ball and Alternative Nation. I figured she did some sorta poppy music, infact I probably wouldn't even like her music, but something about this girl in her pictures and what you said, Tobester... she just seems very true.
  22. Vominus

    Michelle Branch

    Damn!! I can't believe I've never heard of this chick. Don't know about her music, but she's friggin beautiful and plays the guitar, so she's ok by me!
  23. Vominus


    This really is an awesome drawing. But the question of how it was created has still not been answered. Was this done by hand or mouse? (same respect goes to each, just wondering)
  24. Vominus

    Daniel Pearl

    Mmmmmmmmm.... fields of marijuana........ ...... .... .. <wipes drool off keyboard> I knew this was going to happen from the very beginning. It's a simple rule - you put a Bush in office, wars start.
  25. Vominus


    Where can I get Sonic Doom and FF3 Doom?