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Everything posted by LucidLocomotive

  1. now, to be clear of course I am referring to the doomwiki-org. i am playing a brand new favorite of mine with a title of “doom 64”. and when I get to mission 6 I say to myself, “now, I wonder what kinds of secrets I will needing to watch out for here and on this exact level, hmmmm”. i head on over to doomwiki and see the “secrets” section for map 6 sucks! it doesn’t even number them, and it only has one secret! (the heck?) so what do I do? i go on over to the dumb and deformed cousin who will not be named, and I find a beautiful “secrets” section, complete with all 3 secrets. i immediately say “hey, I better edit the doomwiki page and copy this information over to it. so i go to doomwiki, make an account, click the button to edit the section, and it kind of glitches out or something. i was not able to paste the text because the editor box only had the above sections displayed for editing. so I went back and refreshed it to try again, but when I scrolled down, wouldnt you know it? somebody else must have done it at the exact moment I was planning on doing it. it had displayed on the secrets section the exact text with all 3 secrets, that i was planning on pasting. so i scroll down and “huh? last edited 2 months ago? the hells going on?”. i thought “oh well, i guess it just hasn’t registered the uodate yet.” i start playing the level and then later i forgot the last 2 secrets, so I go back to the page and ITS BACK TO HOW IT WAS WHEN I FIRST LOOKED AT IT. This is extremely bizarre. unfortunately I didn’t get a screenshot of when the secrets section was complete. but I do have a pic of what it originally looked like (which is what it looks like now as of me writing this, on my end at least.). here it is: https://imgur.com/3K0Yl5n what could be the cause behind this? is it just something supernatural, or naht exactly?
  2. well I am the resident crazy ideas gUy here so I’ll get on that asap!
  3. i mean... please? come on, its almost like the first game (nick of 2016) has the main final bad boss of the same thing original doom (spiderdemoned) second game eternal? icon of sin. so maybe you could do doom 3 and have it be kind of like the motherdemon
  4. literally laughed out loud. thats the farts version of our known-and-cared-for “entryway” tune.
  5. so canonically necropolis is the place where even simpler took place in doom 64? if so then that is AWESOME
  6. I was also just wondering if anybody here knew about this, or why it might be.
  7. So this is apparent for me on the PS4 version. While in a given instance of the application running, you can only load your quicksave a limited number of times. Eventually, you will no longer be able to load, or save, and if you look at the load game list, your saves will all be missing, until you close and reopen the application (after which your saves are all there again, and everything is back to normal until you load a quicksave another whatever number of times). From a google search it seems this is something others have experienced. I apologize if this has already been brought up on the forum.
  8. what do you mean it later appeared in Doom 2016? Even Simpler did? like the area where it takes place? if so, what level is that in?
  9. LucidLocomotive

    my disappearing-corpses headcanon

    i would say it has more content than Doom, such as destructible windows and interactive environments (car tires, etc.), and more variation in the npcs, you rarely see 2 npcs with the same appearance or clothing. it was initially released episodically but currently you can buy the whole game. each level is an open, contained area with a pre-determined number of NPCs all places in certain areas. so you can kill everyone in a map. funnily enough this is exactly the way the classic doom game levels were structured. and the graphics for hitman 2016 are definitely on par with doom 2016, but its in a more realistic environment so they are kind of different graphical styles
  10. LucidLocomotive

    my disappearing-corpses headcanon

    why did doomguy slaughter thousands of Demons in the past without a single one of their corpses disappearing? well, my headcanon is that for whatever unexplained reason, it has something to do with the death of the Motherdemon. the concept of disappearing corpses appears for the first time in Doom 64, where it happens occasionally as part of scripted sequences. since the attack in that game is led by a specific demon with a special rejuvenation power, I like to think the corpses disappear (back to hell/to a deeper part of hell) because of the motherdemon. after the motherdemon dies, some other demon (satan maybe) decides to just alter the spirituality makeup of demons so that this will happen every time one of them dies. since doomguy has killed so many at this point, Hell is doing the same thing the UAC had always been trying to do from the second game onward: trying to prevent another giant slaughter. so maybe satan or whoever, using the same mechanism used by the motherdemon, decides to immediately take back all demon corpses, in order to prevent doomguy from just wiping out Hell entirely. another fun one: nothing has changed about the archvile, he is still resurrecting dead demons. it's just that the bodies disappear so its not as obvious, but I like to believe that every demon an archvile spawns, is an individual demon that you have already killed at some point in the game.
  11. LucidLocomotive

    my disappearing-corpses headcanon

    what about a game like Hitman 2016? with large open areas, hundreds of NPC’s which don’t dissapear, which you can even shoot at any point and they will still react even while dead. That game runs at 60fps even on consoles, and has great graphics.
  12. there is one on a shelf that is really hard to get. you have to do a bump with the perfect strafe run angle. was it intended to be impossible or just really hard to get? what is the point of that?
  13. whoops, sorry. thanks for the tip. I’m new to message boards other than reddit. also thanks for the level info, that is good to know.
  14. hey do you know if you can check if there is a rocket launcher pickup at all in map 12: altar of pain? there are a lot of rockets lying around but I cannot find anything about a rocket launcher in any guides
  15. do you (or anyone else here) know whether or not there is a rocket launcher in map 12: altar of pain? is there a way to find out by checking the code of EX?
  16. its a great site for all kinds of thing. lately I’ve been using it to get the manual backstories for all of the classic wads in UD, D2, FD, and D64
  17. okay thanks I think I will just use ClassicDOOM.com. have you ever used that site? it’s really good. and also yeah you are right about a lot of wads being empty, the only thing is that Doom 64 is an official, canon game in the main series, that’s been out since 97, so it just surprises me that its so empty
  18. No reason I can’t. Don’t you think a wiki should have this information though? people have differing playstyles
  19. but what if I need to know where the secrets all are in a Doom 64 level? just use classicdoom.org and look at the maps?
  20. LucidLocomotive

    my disappearing-corpses headcanon

    same for eternal. i’m thinking this only applies to demons killed by the slayer since he is the major threat to hell
  21. LucidLocomotive

    my disappearing-corpses headcanon

    yeah but I am not including that one because its a different universe. i’m just talking about my headcanon for why they started disappearing *in-universe* at some point during the life and times of doomguys adventures
  22. why did doomguy slaughter thousands of Demons in the past without a single one of their corpses disappearing? well, my headcanon is that for whatever unexplained reason, it has something to do with the death of the Motherdemon. the concept of disappearing corpses appears for the first time in Doom 64, where it happens occasionally as part of scripted sequences. since the attack in that game is led by a specific demon with a special rejuvenation power, I like to think the corpses disappear (back to hell/to a deeper part of hell) because of the motherdemon. after the motherdemon dies, some other demon (satan maybe) decides to just alter the spirituality makeup of demons so that this will happen every time one of them dies. since doomguy has killed so many at this point, Hell is doing the same thing the UAC had always been trying to do from the second game onward: trying to prevent another giant slaughter. so maybe satan or whoever, using the same mechanism used by the motherdemon, decides to immediately take back all demon corpses, in order to prevent doomguy from just wiping out Hell entirely. another fun one: nothing has changed about the archvile, he is still resurrecting dead demons. it's just that the bodies disappear so its not as obvious, but I like to believe that every demon an archvile spawns, is an individual demon that you have already killed at some point in the game. 
  23. i got it in the second secret level, map 29 outpost omega, but I haven’t used it much since then because I like to play in a way that I like to call “soft pistol start” where I try to use the weapons in the different areas to try to guage what weapons the developers had in mind for being intended to handle a particular area. I know that all the levels in the game were built with the idea of pistol starting, so is it intended for the unmaker to be used often throughout?
  24. but the only problem is that even if someone adds it, apparently from what others here have said, it can take months for it to be approved, and it most likely wont be unless you are certified (according to the other commenters here)
  25. that has to be the explanation! somebody else edited it in a while ago, but I didn’t make an account until then, so it didn’t show. and yes indeed i was logged out again when i went back to it. you have cracked the case. this is awesome. thank you