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About Nootsy-Nootsy

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  1. Nootsy-Nootsy

    UNFINISHED.wad [RC1]

    This is a good idea for a project. Most of my unfinished maps are arguable finished just not play tested and way too lame to put out solo so they're staying in my horribly unfinished organized folders. These two though didn't get past a single room in terms of building. Map Name: IDK, Hope you like punching archviles Author: NOOT Resources: OTEX Format: Boom Complevel 9 Comments: I slapped on an exit sign into the half finished trap at the end of this. I have hastily removed all of OTEX from the wad using SLADE's nice new texture maintenance features which I think froze the slime. Oops. otexwad.zip Map Name: The most lighting detail nootsynootsy has ever put in a map Author: NOOT Resources: None Format: Boom Complevel 9 Comments: For an old CP that never got off the ground, I have neglected to turn it into a proper map for 2 years despite a few tries, I can't find the version that has like 1 extra room in the form of an unfinished linedef bridge near the start. That would have added to the unfinished feeling probably. nootsmal.zip
  2. Roasted clips is amazing After inevitably spending way too long on the mediocre combat of my map, I hope I have the energy to achieve a visual level at least approaching what everyone else is able to do.
  3. I was debating whether to play this instead of waiting, and I'm very glad I did. Each of these maps are so much more dynamic, unstable, and surprising than the majority of episode 1 and even 2. Plus the proper ramp up in challenge from Tower In The Fountain of Sparks I now actually am excited for the full thing. I will feel very stupid if this was already answered and I missed it, but I assume the co-op/UV+ placements are finished at a later date. Since only map 5 seems to have new things and it's just 50% more cyberdemons good lord what a ridiculous map. Now that I write this, I'm thinking obviously those will be updated later this question is unnecessary. Is the way you're going to go about UV+ different in the same way these maps are just different from what came before?
  4. Nootsy-Nootsy

    MEGASPIRAL RC2 - A Goofy 11 Map Set I Made

    I enjoyed playing though this. I have a demo of me playing blind, except map 1. noot_spirals.zip All ghosts bug also happens in DSDA complevel 2, either you can say its boom compatible or rethink the fight without hitscanners. They only exist to soften you up for the second phase since nothing else is threatening.
  5. At this point though we'll have to start scraping the bottom of the barrel yeah. We could do the Master Levels, plus maximum Doom. I'm halfway through Death Mask, it's the worst thing ever and I can't figure out how to add drums to the midi lol
  6. Might I take map 01 midi knowing absolutely nothing about music? I feel like I could make some awful garbage even if I were to just listen to the song while remaking it (I won't do that though I promise) It would be a great first impression for anyone playing the wad :) If I get this and finish it quickly I would love to do map 29 as well. That Midi rules I would enjoy ruining it.
  7. Hey. I was inspired by @Clippy's videos to play these and had a good time. I loved the unique environments (for techbase anyways) and they were a good difficulty for me (i.e. the first two didn't kill me and I feel good about that) with some unexpected traps. My only sticking point is the fight pictured. Perhaps I wasted health and ammo earlier or I'm just a really bad shot but it didn't feel in my ability to manage. Also I got trapped in a pit but maybe the pillars lower on their own eventually I didn't check. The way they pop up to trap you in the room is comically ham-fisted and I enjoyed that. The really fast doors though were a bit much. I ran into the semicircle room pretty quickly after entering the building and to clear out the rest of the monsters I doorfought and had to open it like 15 times with the switch and that gave me Plutonia 2 flashbacks.
  8. If no one new wants to take map 14 I could do a second one just to get this towards the finish line. Edit: I think i misunderstood Engired last message ooooops I guess if there is a map no one wants to complete I can do it. I don't mean to steal someone's work
  9. @Engired How is this this going? We are over a month past due and several people haven't submitted their maps. (I would like to note I did even though I'm labeled as not-completed) Maybe there can be some sort of refresh to this? Idk I'm just interested in seeing a finished version of this. Sorry for bringing this thread back from its possible death.
  10. fakestreaches.zip I MADE IT IN TIME. I DID IT! D: Pls tell me if anything is horribly broken. I played a short game of telephone with this.
  11. I would also like to mention I am 70% done and have not forgotten about this. Honestly feel good to have waited because the map in my memory got worse lol.
  12. Map 5 was a step up in difficulty :(. At least the very first part of map with the revenants I was unable to shake the tracers depending on when they shot them, I could deal with that but because of the timer I may have been too focused on getting the revenants down early. Anyways I'm most upset about the very start of the map because the rest of it isn't bad. I could deal with the archviles before they zap me, and pre-firing the second revenant swarm nullifies them to a big extent. And then the second arena I just sort of ignored the gimmick and didn't come close to dying, and there's enough BFG to just long range the Cyberdemons. I guess it's nice that the difficult part is at the start, but mostly I'm confused. Also the visuals are good, half the effort seemed to go into the areas outside the arena which are obscured by darkness. While not as detailed as map 3 at least it didn't burn my retinas.
  13. Nice mapset! I somehow didn't die (little morale back for me) but I really thought I was going to at several points. Some cool setpieces like the opening room in map 4. I didn't look behind me and I dealt with an archvile and a whole bunch of imps with just a shotgun and plasma. Lots of situations like that where I felt underequipped were fun. Look forward to episode 2, sometime in the future. On the final map I had two floor hell knights and a missing texture, but that's all the bugs I noticed. Though, I would like to mention the palette swap is a bit weird. The biggest issue I can point to is the pinkies having actual bright pink spots on them while facing forward, but other angles just go back to normal pinky demon. I think there could be some work on editing the sprites to fit better with the color scheme. I feel like if I'm going to complain about that I should offer to help with it and/or the status bar. I wouldn't trust me with art though.
  14. Nootsy-Nootsy

    My third map [PrBoom+, cl9]

    I liked this map more than the first one of yours I played, and I liked that one too. Some very interesting fights in this, the one where the spectres get distracted and block your circlestrafe from revenant rockets was very creative and cool! I ran out of ammunition for the final fight, but I thought that one was a cool idea too, having to dodge archvile fire in the lava with those dang infinitely tall cacodemons blocking you everywhere you go. Honestly wish my ideas were half as good as those. I think you are definitely in your element with the techbase detailing, overall a much better looking map than your second one. No notes.
  15. Nootsy-Nootsy

    Another DOOM Map

    I liked the use of Zdoom features to give it a creepy atmosphere. The music and creaky (half life?) gun sounds added a lot too, I would like to see specific credits for them in the post or a .txt. Critiques tho for future maps: I'd like to see more time put into the walls around the space. The whole thing is rather flat and I don't think would look very good without the fog. To grab the blue key you have to walk between those two big columns which isn't obvious, and the resulting monster ambush isn't very threatening, the map as a whole is very easy but that's just fine with me. Also when you grab the red key I think there are monster closets meant to open up on the way to the exit, but the linedef is too close to the table and you can't walk over it. So uh... just make sure to test the map thoroughly I guess? Overall, good second map, great atmosphere, could be bolstered by more detailing. :)