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Everything posted by -Lj-

  1. (i am new here so Im not sure how these community projects get going.) i've had this idea for a community project theme for a while now so i'll just cut to the chase, what if a group of mappers come together to make a megawad based off of different metal/rock albums and songs (metallica, SOAD, nine inch nails, etc.). basically theming maps on album covers, song topics, and bands in general. my idea for the name is "battle of the bands" or "BOB.wad"
  2. can anyone suggest any good deathmatch communitys to join nowadays?
  3. -Lj-

    Idea For Community Project

    i know i was very creative coming up with this account
  4. -Lj-

    Possibility of an awesome Doom movie?

    i can definitely imagine a kickass animated doom movie based off of 2016/eternal, i can already imagine an opening scene doom guy rocking out to classic rock/metal music around his floating space base as demons try to invade it Hijinx ensue :)
  5. -Lj-

    Any modders that wanna work together? (Closed)

    it'd be cool to work with someone on mapping, i've been fiddling with doom builder for a couple of years and have-not released anything so far. i am working on a area 51 wad and a generic military wad (not to far into both) im still a novice but i'd definitely be down
  6. anytime i add a custom midi file into a slade project and add it to a level via MAPINFO it breaks any map and im unable to open it with UDB appearing with the message "this wad has no maps" any tips to fix this and properly import custom music? (yes i do rename the songs tp D_RUNNIN etc.)
  7. works great! thx so much im a decently new mapper, one more question though what software do you use to compose original midi music for doom levels?
  8. i always move the mapinfo lump above all other lumps
  9. //MAPS///// map MAP01 "Crimson Castle" { next = MAP02 sky1 = "SKY4" music = "$MUSIC_RUNNIN" par = 150 }
  10. //MAPS///// map MAP01 "Crimson Castle" { next = MAP02 sky1 = "SKY4" music = "$MUSIC_RUNNIN" par = 150 }
  11. so im making a three key door at the end of my level like the one at the end of halls of the damned but whenever i try to do it and test it out the first door it goes down slightly???? im not sure whats going on here??
  12. -Lj-

    how do i make three key door

    i am using gzdoom and ultimate doom builder and im trying to make it so you have to use all 3 keys on 3 small doors before accessing a switch to open a door
  13. hey yall scott here, another simple question from a first timer map maker. so im using UDB (ultimate doom builder) and im wondering how to make a switch open a door in udb im looking at a guide on doom wiki but im just not getting it, its just not working
  14. i've been fiddling around with UDB and the only thing i cant find is how to change a sectors brightness
  15. im making a level where theres a section you walk into a teleporter to the top of a blood fall you make your way to the other side elevate up a cliff fight a hell knight and grab the red key card on the teleport and be warped back i figured how to make teleporters but sometimes when i go in tp 1 i go to destination 2 i go to tp 2 and go to destination 1 and its really frustrating. im extremely new to wad building thought i'd come here