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Everything posted by BuzWeaver

  1. BuzWeaver

    Distorted picture in Doom 3

    That’s also partly a moray affect.
  2. I went through a few recent threads and I’m seeing more continuity issues that have come up. The trite blood, flashlight batteries, oxygen in the landing bay, no infrared goggles, no gun mount for a flashlight, weak gun sounds, no sleeping quarters, there are any number of continuity issues. I don’t think it’s unrealistic for the programmers to make subtle changes to compensate. I’m not a nitpicker, but when you start to factor in all the observations you can’t help but wonder what was going on when the game was created. It’s just my opinion that the game seemed hastily put together.
  3. BuzWeaver

    Multiplayer Issue

    I'm not seeing them either. Perhaps they are just down for now?
  4. BuzWeaver

    Why lose guns?

    Its obviously a conspiracy, be sure you visit my continuity thread.
  5. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    Thanks, I realize that I simply didn't do it in this case.
  6. BuzWeaver

    omfg doom3 review!

    That was pretty bad.
  7. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    I wanted to respond to them separately.
  8. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    I didn’t leave the Z-Sec Zombies alive long enough to notice whether they would run out of ammo or not. There was one Z-Sec Zombie that I could see on a particular level and regardless of the amount of grenades I threw in his direction he wouldn’t die. In other words, I was able to see him in his spawn point. I tossed a few grenades his way but he was completely unaffected. There were doors, elevators and such that were inoperative, I suppose they had good engineers on the base that kept everything running well.
  9. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    I’m sure you understood I was making an observation based on what some people were saying. One could also make the point that there wasn’t a process of the Marine putting on or taking off his oxygen mask/helmet while playing, it was automatic or assumed when he went out on the Mars surface then returning to an oxygen environment.
  10. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    Again I think we can all agree it’s a game and doesn’t have to be based on any real life scenarios. I’m sure the people at id when working on the game knew what they were doing to create a fun experience versus a realistic encounter.
  11. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    Sephiroth, it is a game and I think most people view it as such, however we as game players have seen games with a little more continuity even in basic games. It’s not impossible to tweak out a few inconsistencies regardless of game genre. I don’t think the Doom Community is nearly as critical as I’ve seen in other games, in particular I mentioned EQ and how Sony is making EQII with the idea of getting as much continuity and satisfying a very sophisticated group of game players.
  12. BuzWeaver

    Continuity Issues, seems to be a lot more lately

    As with most comparisons you’re going to get people that are biased and will defend the game regardless of how objective you try to be about it. We can cling to the idea that’s its just a game so as to trivialize the critics. I’m just finding a lot more interesting observations that people are making about the continuity of the game. I bring this up because I’m a long time EQ player just like any other game there are always going to be nitpickers, whiners, fanboys and tweak monkeys. I know that in EQII they are being quite exhaustive about just those little nick picky things. I personally think the game reviews on Doom3 were accurate and objective. Could the game have been better, sure?
  13. BuzWeaver

    Trites and odd blood colors?

    That’s a little exaggerated.
  14. BuzWeaver

    After beating the game.

    It was enjoyable, I played on Marine because I didn’t know what to expect and I figured if I did increase the difficulty it would only prolong the game, making it more tedious and laborious. I’m not a Doom fan or horror based game fan, I played because of Dooms novelty and that is was essentially the first FPS I’d seen or played so there was a lot of nostalgia. I can be a lazy gamer and I felt it was right on pace with what I was looking for, though most probably found it easy, which in a way it was, but I’m a casual player so it fit my style pretty well. Perhaps it could have been a little more diverse. In my untrained opinion it seemed rushed for some reason as though not a lot of thought were put into strategy or level transition. I found standard encounters nearly as challenging if not more challenging than the boss monsters.
  15. BuzWeaver

    Doom 3 Graphics Corruption w/ 9600 - Please help!

    Its ATI, plane and simple. I thought I’d give ATI a try and now I know I’ll just stick with Nvidia. Lucky for me with my 9600 Pro, I just get a few lock ups. I'd be pretty pissed off if I had graphic corruption.
  16. BuzWeaver

    What was Doom 3's biggest flaw?

    That was pretty disappointing, even in one of the labs (I think) I could see a Zombie Marine but no matter how many times I threw the grenades he wouldn’t die, unless I hit the trigger.
  17. BuzWeaver

    Gaming Downturn?

    Aug. 19, 2004 — Has the computer game industry peaked? That may seem like an absurd statement. After all, computer games are now a $7 billion industry. New game platforms seem to be appearing almost every month, the magazine racks are filled with gamer magazines, on-line games like CounterStrike are gouging into the Nielsen ratings for young men, and the pinnacle of computer games, Half-Life 2, is just weeks from its (supposed) introduction. In other words, computer gaming has never been richer, better, or more popular. How dare I say it's all downhill from here? Because I've been there before. And having been there, I can see certain danger signals that are lost in the general acclaim. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/Business/SiliconInsider/SiliconInsider-1.html
  18. A buddy of mine plays FPS’s like a science. He’ll quick save probably as much as I do, however he’ll repeat a segment over and over till he finds the shots with the least amount of ammo used and most health as possible. I can understand the sense of perfection and getting the maximum use of strategy but I’m not as compulsive as that, LOL. I’ll repeat a segment if I could have done it better with another weapon or saved more on health.
  19. To be quite honest its most likely our ATI Cards. When I got my last system I thought I'd give ATI a try, I'm not very impressed so I'll go back to Nvidia when the new cards come out.
  20. BuzWeaver

    Damn Q3A console

    Are you using a wireless?
  21. BuzWeaver

    Head Shot Player

    How many of you go for head shots? I’ve noticed that even the bigger monsters seem to drop better when you’re going for head shots, do you think it makes a difference? I typically aim for the neck/chin area to compensate for movements.
  22. BuzWeaver

    Head Shot Player

    Aside from headshots I find crouching around a corner then shooting into the torso with the shotgun as a pretty effective one shot one kill. If you’re good at placing grenades you can typically knock out a monster with one blast.
  23. BuzWeaver

    where the damn code at?

    If I remember correctly there are about two or three codes you have to get from the PDA's and you can visit Martianbuddies.com
  24. BuzWeaver

    Doom 3 Too Repetitive

    Did he mention spiders?
  25. BuzWeaver

    ATI or Nvidia

    When I bought my system last year I thought I’d give ATI a try. I got a 9600 Pro and I’ve been a bit disappointed. I’ll be going back to Nvidia once the newer cards come out.