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Everything posted by zxcvbnm

  1. zxcvbnm

    Level-by-level analysis of Doom

    Yeah! Most computers were 128x128 or even 256x256!
  2. zxcvbnm

    Level-by-level analysis of Doom

    That's an interesting idea!!! But maybe the Nuclear Plant was run by aliens on one of Mars's Moons!!!! Wouldn't that be cool :-D
  3. zxcvbnm

    Level-by-level analysis of Doom

    Ah, the donut! One of DooM's most underused and underappreciated features! I don't know where we would be today without that donut. And on top of that, the chainsaw really captures the spirit of the entire episode, from the zombiemen of E1M1 to the zombiemen of E1M2!
  4. zxcvbnm

    Level-by-level analysis of Doom

    Yeah! I mean, how much do you think the game would change if the ceiling collapsed on the first level!!! LOL!!! Maybe the sludge barrels would provide support.
  5. zxcvbnm

    Level-by-level analysis of Doom

    WOW Really? I had the same experience! On a Freudian level (not doom level LOLOL!), the middle area represents a sort of "father" figure, i think, whereas the outer area is the unknown, filled with zombiemen and sludge barrels! :-D
  6. zxcvbnm

    Level-by-level analysis of Doom

    I think E1M2 really is the epitome of doom design; the authors really captured the essense of fighting it out on another planet, from the first sludge barrel to the last zombie man.
  7. heh a new beta would be neat. i like playing around with eternity - and with the heretic thing, there should be even more 'features'(read: bugs) to find :) go for it quasar!
  8. zxcvbnm

    The Grunge Masters

    gotta post on this one nirvana of course! besides, they really created grunge - it was completely new, that takes real genius. no one did it better than the originals - but there are some other good grunge groups - namely alice in chains, stp, and soundgarden. ...pearl jam = grunge? i dunno about that one, i never thought of them as that. i like pearl jam, but i dunno really. anyway nirvana rules and stuff -xooz98
  9. zxcvbnm

    OPN v.s The Other One

    heh i think we should completely move to oftc. but i guess not everybody does, and besides, its really up to the ops. its not that big of a deal, but lilo and friends are getting to me. oh well, whatever.
  10. zxcvbnm

    X86 vs. RISK

    this was true, but now it seems that risc processors and cisc have become more similar. the risc isa now has really most all of the instructions that are in a cisc chip, so they really are quite similar now. but yeah, before there was a pretty substantial speed difference between a x mhz cisc and a x mhz cisc chip. i found a pretty good ars technica article about it, if you'd like. -xooz98
  11. zxcvbnm

    E1M1 "Hangar" converted to Marathon! Screenshots!

    hehe stop flaming marathon people - its a classic (and if you have primarily macs, its almost like doom). yeah it doesnt look great, but vanilla doom didnt either, did it? hehe i'd like to see a total conversion - like, make all the doom levels into marathon maybe?
  12. zxcvbnm

    He's gonna smell like hot dogs!

    uh a black and white world? i know its not that simple, but my point is: why should i not be able to kill somebody while the government is able to. it makes no sense to me. i will quote from the aclu's Case Against the Death Penalty.(http://www.aclu.org/library/case_against_death.html) Capital punishment is cruel and unusual. It is cruel because it is a relic of the earliest days of penology, when slavery, branding, and other corporal punishments were commonplace. Like those barbaric practices, executions have no place in a civilized society. It is unusual because only the United States of all the western industrialized nations engages in this punishment. Opposing the death penalty does not mean sympathy with convicted murderers. On the contrary, murder demonstrates a lack of respect for human life. For this very reason, murder is abhorrent, and a policy of state-authorized killings is immoral. It epitomizes the tragic inefficacy and brutality of violence, rather than reason, as the solution to difficult social problems. Capital punishment denies due process of law. Its imposition is often arbitrary, and always irrevocable – forever depriving an individual of the opportunity to benefit from new evidence or new laws that might warrant the reversal of a conviction, or the setting aside of a death sentence. The death penalty violates the constitutional guarantee of equal protection. It is applied randomly – and discriminatorily. It is imposed disproportionately upon those whose victims are white, offenders who are people of color, and on those who are poor and uneducated. Changes in death sentencing have proved to be largely cosmetic. The defects in death-penalty laws, conceded by the Supreme Court in the early 1970s, have not been appreciably altered by the shift from unrestrained discretion to "guided discretion." Such changes in death sentencing merely mask the impermissible randomness of a process that results in an execution. The death penalty is not a viable form of crime control. When police chiefs were asked to rank the factors that, in their judgement, reduce the rate of violent crime, they mentioned curbing drug use and putting more officers on the street, longer sentences and gun control. They ranked the death penalty as least effective*. Politicians who preach the desirability of executions as a method of crime control deceive the public and mask their own failure to identify and confront the true causes of crime. Capital punishment wastes resources. It squanders the time and energy of courts, prosecuting attorneys, defense counsel, juries, and courtroom and correctional personnel. It unduly burdens the criminal justice system, and it is thus counterproductive as an instrument for society's control of violent crime. A society that respects life does not deliberately kill human beings. An execution is a violent public spectacle of official homicide, and one that endorses killing to solve social problems – the worst possible example to set for the citizenry. Governments worldwide have often attempted to justify their lethal fury by extolling the purported benefits that such killing would bring to the rest of society. The benefits of capital punishment are illusory, but the bloodshed and the resulting destruction of community decency are real. read the article and tell me what you think. you know, i expected most of you to be against the death penalty... wonder why thanks, xooz98
  13. zxcvbnm

    He's gonna smell like hot dogs!

    hi about the death penalty... how is more right for the government to kill someone than for someone to kill someone? according to the aclu and amnesty international, it doesnt even reduce crime rate. in fact, it reminds me of a certain saying... two wrongs dont make a right -xooz98
  14. zxcvbnm

    Parental Units (Or, why my dad is so great.)

    the fat guy with diseases gets laid and i dont dammit /me kills self
  15. zxcvbnm

    well, well, well...

    heh, i find that line surprisingly funny
  16. zxcvbnm

    The Computer shop man: IS he gay?

    virtual memory. not ram. any ram will do, but there is a limit on virtual memory.
  17. zxcvbnm

    The Computer shop man: IS he gay?

    ahem. DC um, what? did i miss something?
  18. zxcvbnm

    what is your favourite co

  19. zxcvbnm

    The Computer shop man: IS he gay?

    um, virtual memory <> ram yes, there is a windows maximum of 4gb of virtual memory, as that is the size of the range of virtual address which vcache can access. that doesnt mean there is a maximum of 512mb of ram. you can set the virtual memory at anything you want less than 4gb (less than 512mb if you want your computer to work) and still have and use however much ram you have. i really don't see what your trying to say here; there's a 4gb limit on virtual memory, so theres a 512mb limit on ram? im not really that new here either, i registered this acct. in august last year but i used to post on the old forums. -xooz98
  20. zxcvbnm

    The Computer shop man: IS he gay?

    hi, just wanted to say a few things.... if you are buying a pentium two class or lower, go intel. a pentium 3 or higher go amd. obviously, the more ram you have, the better. (duhhhhhh) windows 98 gold (4.10.1998)isnt very stable, go with 98SE(4.10.2222). se isnt the stablest either, but its the best microsoft system yet. and about the windows 98 ram issue?(also found in 95 and me) windows 98 can have and use any amount of ram. however, some problems arise when windows tries to set the vcache and you have 512+ mb or ram. windows allocates too much cache, and no virtual memory addresses are left for other things. if you have 512+ ram, and windows 98, just set the 'MaxFileCache=' in system.ini to use 512mb or less. here is a microsoft page with more information: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q253912 enjoy, -xooz98
  21. zxcvbnm

    sad, very sad content ins

    what you say!!! kurt cobain was a genius, man. -xooz98
  22. zxcvbnm

    sad, very sad content ins

    sorry, peter. it is always bad when someone you love dies. even if you dont know them. i felt kind of like that when kurt cobain died. heh. almost. best wishes, -xooz98
  23. zxcvbnm

    Ignorance is Bliss?

    hey, i think i conceal my stupidity very well i dont like being human, though. too much work and no time for yourself.
  24. zxcvbnm

    Ignorance is Bliss?

    heh i wish i was something non-living, like a raindrop or a rock or something. all the time. but im not, so bäh.
  25. zxcvbnm

    Ignorance is Bliss?

    heh do you want to be doomboy or shadyxmr?