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Guest dylangivens


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Guest dylangivens

I need to know how to make a ghost in EDGE that will fly around in basically noclip (can go through things). Does anyone one know how to do that? Also does someone know how to make a weapon that you can set down and then activate (like a pipe bomb or proxy mine)?


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Guest dylangivens

Also is it possible to make a radar that will give you some sorta info of how close you are to a monster? (sorta like in bleeps. The closer you are, the faster the bleeps)

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Guest Fanatic

Radar and sounds: no. That would require some engine enhancements.

Ghosts: oddly enough, I don't see that option on the DDF document (http://edge.sourceforge.net). There was an option in DeHackEd that did this. I'll submit it as a feature to the EDGE team, unless it's simply not in the documentation.

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Guest Fanatic

Yeah, in THINGS.DDF, add NOCLIP to the monster special that you want to be a ghost or clip thru walls. It's not documented, but should work just like it did with DeHackEd.

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I don't think you can activate a projectile.
By the way, I think by proxy mine, you meant remote mine. Proximity mines are possible if you use the TOUCHY features. I know from experience (hint hint).

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