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Everything posted by Fusion

  1. Fusion

    John Romero beams announcement STRAIGHT DOWN

    Old news, i've known about this for months.. But i compete in CAL so, that'd prolly explain why.
  2. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #300

    Yay nothing got a recommendation. My recommendation, stop reviewing.
  3. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #298

    Not a lot of content this week, but good reviewing. Appreciated.
  4. Fusion

    Pimping out Doom?

    Because the textures are 128x128px in size maybe? The music is mus.. and we have mp3 versions of nearly every song. Play doom how you want, but don't tell him how to play it. Breathing new life into an old game isn't a bad thing.
  5. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #297

    Agreed. ;)
  6. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #297

    That's your topic, not mine. And i already answered your question in my previous post when i asked alexmax for clarification. I never said they couldn't. Read before posting please kthx.
  7. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #297

    Justified: http://gotgame.corante.com/archives/2005/06/13/graphics_dont_matter_and_other_assertions.php and simple statistics... Why do people buy new things? So they can waste their money? No, because new products always come with improvements. If you relate that to the game world, if a game had near equal gameplay.. one with shitty graphics, or one with pretty graphics.. which one would the majority of the population play? Obviously the one that looked 'prettier'. It is improved over the shittier, crappy looking engine. If you really want me to delve through the internet to find some psychology behind why people would rather have pretty graphics versus ugly ones i'm not going to bother. it's dead obvious already.
  8. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #297

    Thanks for adding absolutely nothing to my post and going off on a tangent about me squandering people's opinions, which is not true. Break down what i said a little clearer, and it should be obvious that i was merely expecting clarifcation on what defines too much detail. Ugly beams, poor use of textures etc.. Why do people play games based on newer engines?.. Because of the graphics.. More detail = better graphics. So again, when you make a blanket comment like "too much detail", you're really being super general, so alexmax, can you clarify?
  9. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #297

    Quoted from AlexMax's review: "Oh goodie, another overdetailed Tormentor667 map." Honestly wtf is that supposed to mean? There is no such thing as 'overdetailed', unless you're referring to detail which is actually impacting gameplay.. which is super rare. And if you have a pos system, that doesn't count... upgrade..
  10. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #295

    The IRC review format was funny the first time, now it's just a pain in the ass to read. Sentences are extremely fragmented, and it's just sloppy. Either way, i'm not stepping up to the plate to help out, so good reviews anyway. At least it's updated. But i really do miss the professionalism doomworld once had, albeit that. I've been a regular to doomworld since it's incarnation in 98, and remember reading it like a newspaper, sadly it's not like that anymore. I don't mean to review the reviewers, deathz0r is definitly accomplished at his job.. am i alone here? does anyone else miss that professional newspaper-esque doomworld from the past? Sadly, I do. I don't mean to start a shitstorm here either, so don't take this post the wrong way.
  11. Fusion

    Not Dead, Just Sleeping

    Wasn't Nightmare banned? I remember when doomshack died, i never thought it would.. i was going there before doomworld existed.
  12. Fusion

    7 levels, 25 to go!!!!

    Well i wish you the best of luck, but if i could go back in a timemachine, i would have just joined a project that needed help. I spent 11 years on and off of my life working on Hellcore, and it really wasn't worth it. Making 32 levels is a stupid task for one, two, even three people to do, unless they're small levels of course. As the years passed, my levels showed more and more age, the older they got, the worse they looked comparative to the new wads. Edmap and DCK didn't have autoalignment texture features, or 3d-editors.. it was tedious work. Anyway, rant from a geezer. gl!
  13. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    Belial, To be honest, i wasn't even involved in any of the bug-fixing. I was merely pointing out what you said. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to offer suggestions. This thread turned into a shitstorm for the bad, and i agree let's end the bickering here. Thanks for the input, i'm sorry that it didn't turn out the way you expected. You were given credit nonetheless in the txt file for your efforts. Cheers
  14. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    Because Belial being a beta tester and stating that he doesn't care about the wad clearly states what kind of tester he would be.. Honestly Hobbs, we didn't need that reply.Please stop posting if you have nothing mature to say. Or we can all resort to your maturity level and say, "Why don't you go vent on The View with Rosey Odonell". If you want to up your post count, go talk crap in post hell.
  15. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    Embarassed over an internet forum? I'm blushing. In any case, i'm impressed with Myk's maturity in this matter, compared to some of the posts i've read.
  16. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    Last say lives on..
  17. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    True enough. Drama mode off, discussion over.
  18. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    Did you try saving your game? it's really quite simple after the first try. It's not as complicated as it might seem. Wow this community is tough to please. Hell, it seems like people enjoyed mockery more, which is sad. I get it, you think it sucks, do i care? No, i'm done with doom mapping, this was my last project.
  19. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    i admit i like to punish the player more than others, i love hard wads without excess ammo and health. You are in hell after-all :O
  20. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #293

    K i made 2 maps for Hellcore 2.0, Map01 and Map04.. Map01 you're not supposed to fight the barons until later.. you DO NOT have enough ammo until later. I was trying to make the gameplay a little different from the normal, tons of ammo, tons of weapons (or just db shot) = fun. I'm sorry you guys didn't like it, it was an experiment. If you avoided the barons instead, you could have gotten the blue key, and the level becomes a lot better. Bottomline is, it was map01 in the series; I wanted people to use the pistol as their primary weapon, so it would be more challenging.. Most people in the doom community have enough skill to enjoy it by now. This game is nearly 14 years old, i'm sorry it wasn't fun for some of you guys, and i realize pistol fights can be tedious.
  21. Fusion

    DW-Staff death?!?

    Ya interesting indeed. Hellcore 2.0 came and went without a newstuff review, it's not even in the newstuff archives anymore and it was released Oct. 27/06.. go figure.
  22. Fusion

    What the Hellcore?

    Belial can think 1.0 was crap. I don't care. We didn't make it for him, we made it for us, and for the people who actually enjoyed some things about it. 1.0 is no longer relevant to this topic, so drop it already. I find it amusing that you are calling Scuba a troll, after seeing how you reply to people, showing them no-respect. God, stop being an e-geek, e-gansta or whatever it is you want to be known as and you'll find people will be a lot nicer to you, both in real life, and on some game forum. I'm sorry you thought it was a piece of shit, you are entitled to your opinion, it didn't turn out to what we wanted it to be. But 2 bad, we never forced you to play it.
  23. Fusion

    What the Hellcore?

    that's unfinished piece of shit to you sir.
  24. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #292

    Ya it's new. It consists of about 12 levels, 9 of which are new. Rest overhauled. It's basically Hellcore 2, but we called it Hellcore 2.0 because a few maps were completely overhauled from the original.
  25. Fusion

    The /newstuff Chronicles #292

    Excellent reviews, i love the hilarity. You missed Hellcore 2.0 though, a release meant for Halloween. I can't remember exactly when DarkFyre uploaded it to newstuff, but it was around the cutoff.