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About belphegore

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    Green Marine

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  1. I'm playing Alkedama right now with BrutalDoom 2.0b, GZDoom 4.5 and DoomLauncher 3.2.1. Since map16 DoomLauncher saved no more statistics for this wad. Even if I played an already played map again. As far as I can say statistics for other wads still worked fine. I already tried a downgrade to GZDoom 4.4.1 and Doom Launcher 3.2.0 with no luck unfortunately. Could it be a wad bug? Every hint are very welcome.
  2. belphegore

    GZDoom Automap Bug?

    Looks good. Thanks! And I thought it has something to do with the graphic card or GZDoom. I forgot completely the BD Mod!
  3. belphegore

    GZDoom Automap Bug?

    Monument I played it with the Brutal Mod 2.0b. and it looks like that this the answer. No problems without the mod. I think I should update the Brutal Mod ;) Thanks for the answer, Graf Zahl!
  4. belphegore

    GZDoom Automap Bug?

    Hi, in the automap (when in the Automap Options Show Things As Sprites is set to Rotate or Animated) I can see everwhere doomguys hand and shotgun Maybe its only up to my graphic card or my graphic options in GZDoom but anyway how can I avoid this? Any ideas? GZDoom 4.1.3 GeForce GTX 660 Ti
  5. belphegore

    How to remove an unused sector with Doom Builder

    Thanks for all answers! I found a way to correct it. I load the map in Slade and saved it. That's it. The unnecessary secret is gone. I tested the map before in Slave and the secret was not counting also later with GZDoom. A pity that Doom Builder can't do that ;) Doom Builders "Map Analysis" mode didn't find that. It is not a Boom Map. It's an old Doom 1 map.
  6. I would like to edit a map that has four unused sectors and one of them is tagged as secret. I want to remove that secret sector so all secrets could be reach in Doom. If I open the wad in Doom Builder 2 the program said under Error and Warnings that four sectors were unused and removed. But after saving the map this secret sector is still in it when I play / test the map. So how it is possible to remove this unused secret sector even Doom Builder does not display this sector?
  7. belphegore

    Suggestion for Doom Builder

    Because english is not my native language and there was nothing better that came to my mind at that moment. Never heard of a screen mask? Hope that all ambiguities are cleared ;)
  8. belphegore

    Suggestion for Doom Builder

    The context menu of things: Properties I think the other knew what I have talked about.
  9. belphegore

    Suggestion for Doom Builder

    Okay, know I understand! Thanks for the clarifying. My bottom line was reduced and I never had a look at it, so I wondered what he was meaning...
  10. belphegore

    Suggestion for Doom Builder

    Thanks for the info about GZDoom, I'll have a look. I know that I can see the thing sprite in the properties, that was what I meant with edit mask ;)
  11. belphegore

    Suggestion for Doom Builder

    I'm not sure if Pascal is still here activ, but I have a little sugestion/question for Doom Builder. Is it possible to embed the original thing sprites in the 2d view of Doom Builder instead of the recent thing view or at least to make a switch between the original thing sprite view and the recent view? I first saw this I think in DCK and I have to say it was much easier and faster to identify things. So it will be not longer necessary to go into the edit mask of a thing to identfy the type of an enemy or other things. Maybe there is already a switch to chance the thing view, but I really could not find one.
  12. belphegore

    Identifying maps

  13. belphegore

    Identifying maps

    Here is another map that maybe someone can identify. Gray building with a lot of former seargants, imps, spectres and former humans. Outside many baron of hells. Looks like a office building, also in an early construction state. I never saw this map in a wad compilation again, but I would like to play the final version of this map: http://i.imgur.com/yHeCMqk.jpg
  14. belphegore

    Identifying maps

    Here it is: http://speedy.sh/AEzG7/Wads.rar
  15. belphegore

    Identifying maps

    Okay, where should I upload it? As I said they are all without any descriptions and i think the one or other map could also be double/treble.