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Super Flip

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About Super Flip

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  1. Super Flip

    Famitracker Doom TNT Map 11 Thing

    I like it! The DPCM drums are nice and subtle, too.
  2. Super Flip

    Most annoying sounds in video games?

    The low health warning sound in Comix Zone. ...Correction, almost every "low on health" sound drives me nuts.
  3. Super Flip

    Favourite Doom sound?

    DSBRSSIT I also have a soft spot for the equivalent Doom PSX/64 sound.
  4. I was born in '96, and I was raised in the early 2000's with a lot of older systems and games my family had lying around. Doom PSX was one of those games, along with other titles on that system (and the Genesis), so I've naturally become attracted to older or otherwise retro-esque games. Years later I got the PC version of Doom and found myself far more invested in it than I thought I would.
  5. Super Flip

    Favorite In-fights?

    Demons biting at Hell Nobles. From a sideways glance the Demon looks like it's shouting at them before getting smacked in the face.
  6. This is my only gripe from what's shown so far, they look more or less like plastic action figures. The Chex suit HUD looks pretty nifty, though.
  7. Super Flip

    Officially* Name a Doom monster

    The first Cacodemon most would find in Episode 2, the one standing in front of a switch to the exit room. (is it T104 or T125?) Yeah, he's named Steve.
  8. Super Flip

    Small moments in Doom that make you smile

    Watching any unfortunate monster walk into E2M2's crushers.
  9. Super Flip

    2016 Goals

    Play through Evilution in its entirety.
  10. Super Flip

    Texture resizing and you

    I feel like texture resizing makes things way too muddy. The crispness of unfiltered textures is both easier to focus on and aesthetically pleasing in my eyes.
  11. Super Flip

    The Doom Confessional Booth

    My brother got a Cacodemon plush and we named it Deimos. Ever since then we've established E2's first Caco as Deimos and refuse to kill him. The other ones are fair game, though.
  12. Super Flip

    Amiga Doom Clones Part 1 - Breathless

    This reminds me a lot of MIDI Maze which, keeping relevance to the topic, was on the Amiga's biggest competitor.
  13. I'm kinda tired of hearing Johnny Yong Bosch in everything ever. Him and Steve Blum for sure.
  14. Super Flip

    Whats your opinion on the game: Bio F.R.E.A.K.S?

    I always wanted to give this game a shot. I'm a sucker for fighters made in the gorefest/MK klone era, regardless of quality. It kinda gives me vibes of MACE: The Dark Age, but that's apparently a common thought.
  15. Super Flip

    This is now the official skeleton thread
