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  1. mmx

    best source port for d3 multiplayer?

    Gotcha. Is BFG any better for MP? I usually need Hamachi so I can find my friends and we can all join my server or any of theirs.
  2. That is an interesting idea. Thank you, sir. I did try the Souls-like genre, it appealed to me, but it unfortunately got boring pretty quick. I like the mechanics, though, not sure where to put my finger on it. Outer Wilds felt empty and grocery store todo list-ish. Go here, do that, fetch this, have fun, obey. You mentioned FromSoft, then I Googled, and then I realized they also make Amored Core games. I'm going to give those a try! Thank you! "and just sigh, because it just feels like more effort than it's worth". Precisely! That is an extensive list. I love Total War ones, never played a recent one. Thank you for the attention given to this! Second mention of Trepang. Gotta try this. Navigating through all the crap is impossible. :( Never heard of Lethal Company or Helldivers until you guys mentioned. Will try, thanks! It's not that I don't like'em. They don't add anything new, nor do they understand the vibe that we had in the 90s while playing those. Every game after Doom had something new, quirky or exciting to offer and it was just a blast.
  3. mmx


    I was browsing your projects on https://gitlab.com/users/andwj/projects and they are all awesome. thanks for sharing this
  4. Is multiplayer possible on the Web Player?
  5. Would Helion be suited for a TC mod that replaces the weapon sprites with high resolution ones, or even 3D models? What about the enemies?
  6. This is probably me getting old (36) but I just can't find anything good to play. I have a PC, PS5 and Switch. I also have the PS5 ultimate subscription, which allows me to trial and test a lot of games. I have played everything in there, and to be honest, the only games that managed to get me some hours of fun were: Ghost of Tsushima, Hitman and THPS2 remake. THPS2 doesn't really count because, well, nostalgia. And that's basically what I play: old COD games, old Civilization, old Tropico, Doom/Quake/anything id... I thought the recent surge of "boomer shooters" would help, but they are all pathetic souless copies of a begone era. Anyone else on the same boat?
  7. What Doom 3 source port would you guys recommend for playing with friends in 2024? Is Hamachi still needed? dhew3 or rbdoom?
  8. mmx

    From scratch mod?

    Both are awesome! Exactly what I was looking for. I'll take a look at the standalone template.
  9. mmx

    From scratch mod?

    That's really informative, thank you @Doomy__Doom
  10. mmx

    From scratch mod?

    I'm working on a total conversion, not a gameplay-specific mod. That's why I asked for a good base. I'll eventually replace everything, except monster/weapon logic.
  11. mmx

    From scratch mod?

    What would be the best way to start a mod from scratch, or at least, with the bare minimum (weapons, 1 enemy, doors, explosives) to get a mod working? The Quake community has the https://www.insideqc.com/qctut/scratch.shtml tutorials, as well as https://github.com/Jason2Brownlee/CleanFixedQuakeC for anyone starting a new mod. Is there anything similar for Doom? Should FreeDoom be used as a base instead of Doom 2?
  12. Are there any plans of adding multiplayer support to the WebGL build? Would be great for those non-tech savvy friends.
  13. I have some office friends that really struggle with anything technical. On top of that, everyone is on a different platform. Is there any source port with emscripten/webgl support and multiplayer? I'm technical so I can compile that and then just host a heroku thing with it and then send the link to everyone.
  14. mmx

    Darklight Arena on IcedTech

    was this abandoned? because it is pretty damn cool
  15. Bumping with this other tool, for future people reading this thread: https://github.com/jminor/omgifol/blob/master/demo/wad2obj.py