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  1. Moebius

    More than one Pointlight for Actor

    Tried using WARP and A_ATTACHLIGHT with no success. If I play around some more I might be able to make one of them work. I guess I don't understand them. WARP was the closes, but I could never get my lights positioned anywhere but on my Elevators origin. So I cheated and made two ACTORS (transparent texture). Set them on the same as 0 0 0 for the elevator. They ride up and down on the same sector floor. The lights are added in GLFDEFS with the offsets needed. This is probably similar to the "dummy actor" suggestion, but I was thinking more in line with "dummy actors" connected to the Elevator Actor. Both move up and down in relation to the Elevator. So I guess it works in the case.
  2. I have a couple of spider web textures that if I add to my WAD in TEXTURES folder they can be applied to a Linedef (upper, middle, bottom) and look as desired. But if I apply the same texture to a 3D model (either MD3 or OBJ) the "lattice-like" semi see through texture is lost. It looks like the level of transparency of each pixels ends up being either solid white or totally transparent. Is this an issue on how the game handles textures on models? Specifically if there is transparency. It would also be nice if you could specify a SurfaceSkin on a model to be transparent in the same MODELDEF for the ACTOR. For glass on a model, I have to make two models, one without the glass but all the other textures, and one with just the glass. Then I can adjust the transparency of the glass model. Splitting the model doesn't work here. The texture is fudged up from the get go.
  3. Can you have more than one Pointlight assigned to an Actor? I have an elevator that has a light to illuminate the inside and two lights on the outside that will illuminate the shaft as the elevator travels down. If i do it this way in GLDEFS, the last Pointlight is the only one that gets assigned. If I delete #2 and #3 then #1 shines. Which makes me believe it ignores all but the last one listed. PointLight ELEVATORGLASS1_LIGHT { color 1.00 1.00 1.00 size 96 offset 0 0 -104 } object elevatorglass { Frame MDCA{ light ELEVATORGLASS1_LIGHT } } PointLight ELEVATORGLASS2_LIGHT { color 1.00 1.00 1.00 size 96 offset 0 144 -104 } object elevatorglass { Frame MDCA{ light ELEVATORGLASS2_LIGHT } } PointLight ELEVATORGLASS3_LIGHT { color 0.74 0.68 0.65 size 64 offset 0 64 0 } object elevatorglass { Frame MDCA{ light ELEVATORGLASS3_LIGHT } }
  4. Exactly what I needed. Thank You!
  5. MAP is UDMF and Line Action 87 is not available. I can't use Lowest or Nearest as the Nearest is at 112 while the Lowest is -16 and I need to get to 8. I need to loop something like this: Floor_LowerByValue (36, 8, 128); Delay (175); Floor_RaiseByValue (36, 8, 128);
  6. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do what I think is a very simple action. I have a sector at 136 height. After a trigger I want it to lower down 128 units and then back up 128 units, continuously. It also needs to do it slowly so the Player can step on it, go up, and step off.
  7. Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue, recently. Starting yesterday the center axis of dynamic lights in relation to the sprite is offset, The axis seems to be where the center of the light is in game-play. Just started, workable, but annoying. All other things have correct centers.
  8. Moebius

    Solved - 156 Line Set Portal

    OK, I changed Portal Type to Static (Enternity Style) and the ambient sound peters out as one crosses the line. That wasn't very clear in your first response. Thank you for the solution.
  9. Moebius

    Solved - 156 Line Set Portal

    The 156 Line Set Portals are correct. I even made a two room sample map with just the 156 Line Set Portals and the ambient sound cuts off as the Player crosses the line. PortalSound.zip
  10. Moebius

    Solved - 156 Line Set Portal

    I saw a thread where someone had an issue with monsters alerting even when they tried to block all sounds using stacked portals. My issue is with 156 Line Set Portals. To avoid stacking two detailed areas with a ceiling hatch I used 57 Sector Set Portals. Everything works. To reconnect the higher room back into the main area I'm using 156 Line Set Portals. The re-connection works fine except when the Player crosses the 156 portal line all ambient sounds placed in the "behind" sectors instantly cut off. Is this unavoidable?
  11. You can make a tall thin 3D Floor and put a PBR texture on it. Not sure if either is what you're looking for.
  12. You can put a PBR on a wall/ceiling/floor, even scroll it. You could draw a line in front of a wall, or any where for that matter, and apply a PBR texture to the Middle Texture. Define it in TEXTURES.txt and GLDEFS.txt.
  13. I have a 3D model desk with 5 displays. The desk is wrapped by one texture, each display is a different texture. I want to flip/mirror the desk and position it next to the other. Piece of cake. Except the displays on the mirrored desk are mirrored. The desk texture wrap is good. I can flip/mirror the desk in UDB by making the Rendering Scale -1. Or I can define a second model in MODELDEF by setting the SCALE to -1.0 1.0 1.2. But the displays are always mirrored. I want to avoid going back to the model and repositioning the textures as this isn't the only 3D model I want to do this flip/mirroring to. Want to avoid doubling up on the 3D model files.
  14. Moebius

    Scrolling Texture on 3D model?

    So far I have this: SHADER Code FileName = 3dscroll.fp //3D Model UV animation shader. uniform float timer; vec4 Process(vec4 color) { vec2 uv = vec2(gl_TexCoord[0].s, gl_TexCoord[0].t + (timer*0.03125)); return getTexel(uv); } In TEXTURES texture BCTRIA6A, 256, 256 { XScale 2 YScale 2 Patch BCTRIA6A, 0, 0 } In GLDEFS HardwareShader "textures/bctria6a.png" { Shader "shaders/3dscroll.fp" Speed 1.0 } If "bctria6a.png" is a single diffuse texture it works. I took my diffuse/normal/specular images and blended them in GIMP to make a single texture. Semi-acceptable, but no real "shine" or "depth". I wanted to use something like this (also identified in GLDEFS): material texture "textures/BACTRIA6.png" { normal normal/BACTRIA6n.png specular specular/BACTRIA6s.png specularlevel 1 glossiness 4 } This DNS texture will not scroll on the 3D model. It will scroll if I assign it to a floor/wall/ceiling but you have to identify it in GLDEFS like this: material texture BACTRIA6 { normal normal/BACTRIA6n.png specular specular/BACTRIA6s.png specularlevel 1 glossiness 4 } Anyone with some suggestions?
  15. Moebius

    Scrolling Texture on 3D model?

    I meant scrolling like linedef scrolling. I've animated models. Have a hanging monitor and the screen changes using FrameIndex. I was pretty sure it was not possible, as in easy. Just had to ask. One could take a 128 x 128 image = Image#1, then shift a couple of columns of pixels from the left side to the right side and call that Image#2. Keep doing that for 64 images and then FrameIndex all 64. I've neither the time or inclination to do so. Unsure of the direction it would scroll or how smooth it would look. I have no idea how to use a shader to scroll. Can you elaborate? We also need a way in MODELDEF to make a SurfaceSkin transparent. You have to define transparency in DECORATE, which means two models are needed. Unless someone has a way to do that.