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About snakeplisskenPMW

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. snakeplisskenPMW

    need help with starting gzdoom deathmacth

    so ok i think i got this. 2 things need to be done. 1 the host types in something and 2nd the player joining types in something else... ok i have a question... if my host is doing -iwad doom2.wad -file figtester.pk3 -host 2 -warp 01(im trying to do a co op game wityh 2 players myself and another on doom 2s first map with figtester as resource data. did i type the correct thing for this?) if thats what the host is doing what would the person joining have to type in? what would thatr look like?
  2. snakeplisskenPMW

    need help with starting gzdoom deathmacth

    how do i launch a deathmacth game useing shortcuts. i here its possible but cant seem to find any info on the matter. i would like to know how to startup a deathmatch game on a specifid map. any advice on how i can do this or could someone direct me to information on the matter. i think i have to edit the shortcut and add something to the end of its path but not sure what it would look like.
  3. snakeplisskenPMW

    Lost your camra in doombiulder?

    have you ever lost your camra in doom biulders visual mode... you know... like... you cant get back to your map cause ya lost it and everythings black.... is there a way to bring the camra back to the map in such case...
  4. snakeplisskenPMW

    (G)ZDoom Editing Plugin for Doom Builder (BETA)

    hmm... the only thing about this is... is that it renders the disability of the ability to render 3d slopes
  5. snakeplisskenPMW


    hey is any one use to blender... any body who uses it often; willing to help me out... i have a 600 sum sided model u maid in blender but i did not properly UV map it.. is there any one out there. that i can send this model to, that would be willing to export it to md3 format NOTE: it may involve haveing to UV map the object.
  6. snakeplisskenPMW


    i can only propose privet contracting nothing over an table... and i can pay in VISA gift cards.. procure some results, an ya get payed up front...but then again; i cant say this, becuse that would be admiting failure... yes it would be a easy way out but i think ill figure it out. im gonna come up with a new set of questions tomarrow. ill be postem here...
  7. snakeplisskenPMW


    okay then.. well i think i have came up with a solution to my problem... at the same time i would like to take this momment to ask... any possibly 3d moddelers or those with exsperince in makeing custom md3 files... if they would be willing to take part in an gzdoom project. in this im looking for some one willing to make 3d models or present 3d models that they would be willing to let me use in the development with my project. its a long shot... but hey... who knows maby some one is willing to help PM me if there is any willers
  8. snakeplisskenPMW


    okay okay if you guys are seriouse then sure w.e. but your telling me that every one uses BLENDER for the procurement of md3 files?
  9. snakeplisskenPMW


    "okay well... i guess im gonna ettempt in makeing my own 6 sided object. i feel that if i can at the least make a 3d model of a box, and get it work, that it would most deff. aim me in the right direction. i know the MODELDEF tutorials in and out... and im very familiar with slumpED and apply the proper MODELDEF script... the problem is in developing an proper md3 file.. ( or is it md2 for gzdoom?) i mean... could some body tell me the best means of makeing a custom md3 ( or do i need md2 for gzdoom ) model. im sure there are those whom will read this whom have themselves Succeeded in the past in implementing a Feasible method that derived in themselves makeing and aply there own custom 3d models. so, takeing into count the prosess of UV mapping the object for need in textural deffinition; what IS the most feasible method in makeing an MD2 ( or MD3) file..." ( okay and i can completely understand the concept of takeing someone seriousely. how can one be considered in such a community if they can't take themselves and there work seriousely i.e. in my case my spelling would reflect a level of respect for the line of work you guys do here at doomworld... well rest asure ( or not idk...) that i take the development of doom wads and resourse engine with the determination of the up-most highest echelons of meaning to that of the very reson why people like us do what we do... and with that, yes ill be reflecting it from now on in my spelling)
  10. snakeplisskenPMW


    i just want to make 3d models you know?... how come the liberation MOD for zdoom can have 3d sandbags and beach heghogs but i cant figure out how the hell they did it...
  11. snakeplisskenPMW


    i guess now the question is... how do i properly make my own custome md3 file, whats the most proper application to use in conception, whats the best way?...
  12. snakeplisskenPMW


    ya UV mapping... BLENDER dose not let you export in MD2 or MD3 format unless the model has been properly uv mapped... proper UV mapping evdently is nessasry when ettempting to export in these formats due to there nature. uv maping evdently is like the splitting down of the object like onto a flate serface that serface is then used to determin the locations of textures on a multiple sided object... i have no clue how to do this with blender.... i guess im wishing for to much.. cause i guess im just wishing for some expert who has done 3d models in gzdoom to come along and hold my hand... cause evdently i do not understand this...
  13. snakeplisskenPMW


    ya well i wish i could say its that easy.... how do you UV map a model useing blender.... its not realy that easy... pluse... this video just shows a guy makeing some model and no where confines him UV mapping the object of texturaliy defineing his object... these things are NEEDED actions when it comes to exporting a model in MD3 or md2 format
  14. snakeplisskenPMW


    _________________________ -DELETE ME---------------
  15. snakeplisskenPMW


    but hexon is just a format.. perhaps i do not know what your refuring to.. if you could just highlight.... i know for a fact... that 3d models CAN be maid and presented in a WAD. that has been constructed in zdoom (doom in hexon format) with doom biulder 2.0. i know this after playing stronghold and liberation; aplying the pk3 files as resourses in doom biulder configuration. and then inserting the models via things>decorate option. as filed to be presented... so in theory, by makeing a small map, apply liberation 3d model thing, and testing it.... 3d models do present them sell in GZDOOM when makeing a wad zdoom(doom in hexon format)) its just amatter of understanding how to make a models... i need some one to bless me with there wisdom of prosess in makeing a 3d models for my maps