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About doomfreak0001

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. doomfreak0001

    Operation Geronimo WAD

    I did a few days ago on his YouTube account. No response yet. I am aware that the author has issues with people ranting about this WAD and having negative reviews so that is why perhaps he will not make it a public download to anyone.
  2. doomfreak0001

    Operation Geronimo WAD

    I just want to play the game for heavens sake. I dont care about the graphics and all that stuff. So anyone who has the file, please PM me. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance
  3. doomfreak0001

    Operation Geronimo WAD

    I really wish to play the following WAD called Operation Geronimo located here. But the file is password protected. Can anyone please provide this WAD? I looked at it on YouTube and seems OK. Thanks http://www.3dshots.nl/wads/Operation_Geronimo.htm
  4. doomfreak0001

    How to disable Automatic Saving? [Zdoom]

    Thanks for all the help, I got it now.
  5. doomfreak0001

    How to disable Automatic Saving? [Zdoom]

    If I do it from within the console as below like this, would this be correct? DISABLEAUTOSAVE 1 Thx for the quick response. EDIT >>> And from the INI file, it did changed from a 0 to a 1 after doing the above command from the console. disableautosave=1
  6. I play the DOOM using the ZDoom and I just want to know how to DISABLE the AUTOMATIC SAVE. I always prefer the MANUAL SAVE instead. Now I noticed in the INI file, it has the following line below: disableautosave=0 Im guessing if I enter as 1, then it will disable the auto save feature. But what if I want to disable it from the CONSOLE? What would be the correct "disable auto save" command within the console? It is just very very annoying to have these auto saved files in my DOOM directory along with the MANUALLY created ones....Very annoying. And I always have to delete these after playing the game. Thanks in advance.
  7. doomfreak0001

    Directory for saved games/maps for DOOM?

    Uhhhh got it...I see it now. Tbanks.
  8. doomfreak0001

    DOOM - Twilight Warrior WAD

    Hi - I know this is perhaps a silly question, but hey, its worth a try.... For example, I play the Twilight Warrior WAD on ZDoom and my favorite map is the Golden Triangle and I wish to know if there is any way to have this modified to play ONLY this MAP and nothing else. Basically, I saved this mission manually, but I want to know if all the maps or missions can be removed EXCEPT for this one being the Golden Triangle. Thx in advance.
  9. Dont know if this is the right topic area for this question. I would like to know where are the manually saved games or maps are stored under Windows 7 or maybe perhaps within the DOOM directory? I play DOOM with ZDoom. I am not refering to the Automatically saved games, only the MANUALLY saved ones from me before I even start playing in the map. Usually, I tend to manually save the game or map before I even start playing. But would like to know where these files are stored. I am guessing it is the INI files, but maybe I am wrong. Please help me. Thx.
  10. doomfreak0001

    DOOM - Twilight Warrior WAD

    Thanks. Got everything working like a charm now. Again THANKS!!!!!!!
  11. doomfreak0001

    DOOM - Twilight Warrior WAD

    Thanks!!!!!!!! I guess I had to drag both the DEH file and the WAD file into the ZDoom.exe file. Works like a charm. And just a quick question. How can I point and shoot up when the enemies are shooting down from a tower above?
  12. Hi, I just downloaded the Twilight Warrior WAD and I cannot seem to run through the plants in the jungle like here on this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqM6_a_-Kdo Download area was here for the WAD itself: http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=10328 But I cannot walk through the plants like in the video. I am using ZDoom to play my WAD games on Windows 7. What can be wrong here? Please look at the video. As the video shows, they can run or walk through, but when I try it, the plants tend to block my path. Thx.
  13. Is there any WAD for the capture of Osama Bin Laden called Operation Geronimo? There is a link here on YouTube, but it is not available for download yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u0Hs8nqW6A Will there ever be a WAD file for this in the future? Thanks.
  14. doomfreak0001

    Mouse "lags" when playing Doom game

    I hope this setting works!!!!! I will keep on running tests and see. Anyways, thanks to all of your support!!!!! But one thing I dont get here....On my notebook, the vid_forceddraw is set to FALSE, and no lagging at all and plays very smoothly... Is this because the hardware and graphic displays are different than on the desktop PC???
  15. doomfreak0001

    Mouse "lags" when playing Doom game

    Ok, I did alot of searching around in the meantime while waiting for more replies here and I stumbled onto this here. http://flandre.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16414 Take a look at the post were it says this: So, to skbraddy, DONT GO BACK TO 2.1.7!! FOLLOW THE LIGHT! To fix your problem, go to the console, type "vid_forceddraw 1", restart, and RESPONSIVENESS RETURNS! And according to these instructions, I went to the DOOM console and entered the command of VID_FORCEDDRAW 1 and I hit EXIT, RESTARTED ZDoom, and started the game the 3 times already with no lag....I will report back later after I do more testing. Now.....in order to have these same settings for the "lag" to go away forever, do I need to keep on going into the DOOM console and always have to type in that command BEFORE actually playing a game?