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About skoosh

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    Warming Up
  1. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    I am thinking of making ISO's and saving them to a single DVD... I have Hiren's Boot CD with ISOBuster on it...I've never used ISOBuster before, but if I convert the CDs to ISO as "raw", I think it will preserve the MAC and/or music files...Hmmmm??? Or is that even worth considering???
  2. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    Thank You, Sir!!! :D
  3. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    Forgot about these...Two humongous books "DooM Companion" and DooM Alchemy", which came with CDs...WADs, editors, tutorials on WAD building, etc... They were actually pretty informative...Although the Alchemy book seemed to be an update/revision of the Companion...
  4. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    looking at some of the reviews for return.zip (the original) and return01.zip (the fixed version), I found - Another timeless classic from summer '94. The author's obsession with switches was indeed legendary, but the exit on E1M2 is broken not because of that. It exploits a bug in DOOM present in versions up to and including v1.4 beta that was subsequently fixed. Either play with that or with prBoom-plus "-complevel 0". - N_A There was another review which suggested playing with the DooM v1.4 shareware beta, which I downloaded from gamers.org... ...But now I can't find the original return.zip to try this on... Michael Kelsey had requested that the original version be deleted and replaced with the "fixed" version...which was changed pretty radically, and not just the linedefs... The original, while pretty much impossible to end, was a lot more challenging...and fun... So...Does anyone have the original return.zip??? I've looked in all my old DooM CDs and can't find it... :( Thank You!
  5. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    (Edited) Ah, yes - it's Return01.zip, "Return To Phobos" by Michael Kelsey...It's on the gamers.org site...good level pack... You were right!!! I didn't notice the title when i looked at the text... (I also am into Weimaraners...) :D
  6. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    I found them at gamers.org...I just didn't know the name of the one... the original return.wad is on one of the CDs (pictured above)... These are all from the mid-90's, when Exec PC BBS was *the* place to go for DooM wads...The various companies/whatever raided Exec PC and distributed them on CD...
  7. skoosh

    Return and Cheese wads

    Shoot, I could make ISO's of the old CDs - DemonGate, Doom Toolkit #3, Total Ruin #1 & #2, DooM Game Editor...A couple others in the books...Lost Episodes of DooM, The DooM Hacker's CD, DeathDay...Some came with large books containing editors, graphics, textures, etc... Way too many WADs to go through looking for ones not on Gamers.org... :(
  8. A pair of classic DooM wads/compilations...From The Old Days... I've always liked Cheese, it has great music, custom textures, an original theme, some really clever illusions, and a funny ending... Return is a compilation that has a level [E1M2] that has always made me think of a hot Mexicali type town...The textures just give me a warm drowsy feeling...When it first came out, there was a glitch with it that made the rising platform at the end not work consistently...It only worked once for me in all the years i tried it...It was "fixed" eventually, but the wad author also altered a lot of other little things, the end result being that it is too easy (compared to original version)...Like he dumbed it down...but it is still entertaining...the other levels are pretty cool too... I got an itch yesterday to play these levels again, and spent about two hours going through my 75 CD's worth of archived programs/graphics/web sites saved from 1998 to the present...i couldn't remember the names of the zip files containing them...I had wads from 1995 (when BBS's were the only way to exchange wad files) but no CD burner...They mostly got lost... But I do have a couple of classic DooM CD's, distributed by several different independent compilers...Gotta go to work, but I'll see if i can't post pics of the Cds later...
  9. skoosh

    Help Request w/Marines DooM

    Thanks for your reply! I'm not much of a drag-over guy...I still launch from the command prompt...There was a time when i knew the proper string for appending the required files...but CRS has wiped that all out... Edit: Thank You!!! That worked!!! I must admit...This is the first time I've launched a program by dragging & dropping...onto an executable... Learn something new every day... :)
  10. Old time DooM fan; I played the original Marines.wad & DeHackEd patch when it was first released; no problems...(well, nothing that everyone else wasn't having!)... ;) Now I have Doom2 installed on my secondary IDE2 HDD under WinXP, and am trying to get Marines.wad and it's DEH patch working, either with the Doom.exe or with ZDoom, either is OK... I've forgotten everything I ever knew about Doom, DeuSF, DeHackEd, etc...i can't even recall the command string to launch this pwad... So, I am requesting your help...How do i get this thing installed and launched??? The batch file isn't doing the whole job; the M249 changes into a shotgun when fired...and not full auto... Thanks for any help! :D EDIT: Saw this under my Username/comment - "skoosh Registered just to make one post" ...That is cruel...just cruel...