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Everything posted by Gunrock

  1. Gunrock

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    Thanks as always ketmar. I figured test maps are more helpful than just posting pics.
  2. Gunrock

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    Hey Ketmar. Just wanted to bring up a possible bug issue when it comes to the handling of underwater rendering. Here is how GZDoom renders underwater effect. Here is how K8Vavoom handles underwater effects using the same parameters(Sector set 3D floor, translucency at 192, and blue color lighting for underwater). Notice how water is still visible on the floor surface. Dummy control sector's ground level is the same as real sector's floor level which is -64 units below. Also, color lighting rendering is not correct. Instead it displays a white hue like filter. Water.zip
  3. Gunrock

    k8vavoom Launcher - [Updated 6/16/2021]

    Thanks Rocket! I'm glad this engine is getting the recognition it deserves!
  4. Gunrock

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    Never liked DEHACKED anyway. Good riddance. Decorate is the future ;)
  5. I have a switch thats high up on a wall thats activated upon projectile impacts. Problem is, no matter the height, it will activate no matter if your shooting below it behind it, damn thing will still trigger. See how far up the hidden trigger is in the above pic? I dont even have to shoot right on the target. I can shoot below it or near it and its annoying. I tried all the special Sector actions in Ultimate Doom Builder, none worked.
  6. Gunrock

    Shooting a wall switch based on height?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. What I might end up doing is relocate the switch on a flat 1 sided line. Too much hassle.
  7. Thanks it worked!!! I decided to make it a simple ambient sound rather than a music file because like you just explained, pausing will throw everything way off.
  8. How can I script a scenario once music stops playing a message is printed? Example: script 6 (void) { SetMusic("D_BOSS", 0); ambientsound("amb1",127); print(s:"Mission 4: Objective completed."); } Right now the message and music executes at the same time.
  9. Gunrock

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    Ketmar you are going full "beast mode" on K8Vavoom. Perfect time to use it on my upcoming Project Slipgate: Remastered. One quick question....how are donations handled?
  10. Thanks. The most embarrassing part is that I been mapping for over a decade and never used the "Sector actions" classes:(
  11. I want to create an elevator that as soon as the player steps on it, the floor raises to highest floor. I dont want to bother creating a bunch of switches that the player has to use. How can I script this scenario?
  12. I downloaded the powercube decorate off of Realm667 website. The problem is Im trying to create a scenario were you need two powercubes to activate a single door. Here is what I created in script: int powercube; Script 2 (void) { powercube++; switch (powercube) { Case 1: print (s:"There is one more remaining!"); Break; Case 2: print (s:"Sequence has finished and the Slipgate has activated!"); Delay(60); Thing_Activate(40); FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue(110,32,160); Delay(60); ambientsound("amb65",127); } } The script works but the powercube does not display any animation or sound when executed? I attatched a demo map for any further help. Testing.zip
  13. Gunrock

    Realm667 powercube decorate doesn't work?

    Thanks as always ketmar. Tweaked the script a little bit and used the `Thing_Activate(0);` method. I originally wanted two powercubes to activate a door, instead I opted to use just one. Little more simpler and less confusing scenario.
  14. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    I will try your suggestions. Its always helpful;)
  15. Say I have a scenario were multiple explosions have taken place. Then rains down dirt debris and/or smoke effects around on the player. Explosion I know Doom has its limits, but can something remotely be achieved?
  16. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    Mr Rocket I dont know if you already notice, but the rocks fall only one time and nothing happens after. Doesn't loop. Also is it possible you can make the rocks fall randomly and not all at once? Maybe control the size of area in which it spawns? With that in mind, it would be a perfect implementation to my mod;)
  17. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    Looks good and thanks as always!!!
  18. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    Right now I modified it with using active /inactive states. Also RNDR A 1 A_JumpIf(WaterLevel > 0, "Death") makes the rocks crumble as soon as it hits water. Dont know if I should keep that effect or should the rock sink all the way to the bottom of the water then crumble? Either way, I'm happy with the falling rocks results.
  19. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    Thanks for your help as always Mr. Rocket and Ketmar. One last question however, I created the decorate rocks falling effect, any alterations or suggestions? Actor PebbleSpawner 30407 { Radius 1 Height 1 +NoClip +ClientSideOnly +SpawnCeiling +NoGravity States { Spawn: TNT1 A 0 TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(Args[2] > 0, "NoSound") TNT1 A 0 A_JumpIf(Args[3] > 0, "Circle") TNT1 A 0 A_PlaySoundEx("Ambient/Pebble", "SoundSlot7", 1) TNT1 A 2 A_SpawnItemEx("PebbleDrop", Random(-Args[0], Args[0]), Random(-Args[0], Args[0]), -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, Args[1]) Loop Circle: TNT1 A 2 A_SpawnItemEx("PebbleDrop", Random(-Args[0], Args[0]), 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, Random(0, 360), 128, Args[1]) NoSound: TNT1 A 0 A_Jumpif(Args[3] > 0, "NoSoundCircle") TNT1 A 2 A_SpawnItemEx("PebbleDrop", Random(-Args[0], Args[0]), Random(-Args[0], Args[0]), -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, Args[1]) Loop NoSoundCircle: TNT1 A 2 A_SpawnItemEx("PebbleDrop", Random(-Args[0], Args[0]), 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, Random(0, 360), 128, Args[1]) Loop } } Actor PebbleDrop { +Missile +NoBlockMap -NoGravity Height 2 Radius 2 States { Spawn: RNDR A 1 A_JumpIf(WaterLevel > 0, "Death") Loop Death: RNDR BCDEFGHIJKL 3 A_FadeOut(0.15) Stop } } PebbleSpawner.zip
  20. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    I want to apologize for the multiple posts. Just on a role here ;) I managed to simulate the rock falling effects by using rain spawner as a base and altering the rain effects with rock sprites and a little bit of scripting trickery!
  21. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    I'm getting close to completing what I need thanks to all your help. What suggestions do I need to simulate small falling rocks that spawn from the ceiling and crumble when it hits the ground after a distant explosion when in an underground cave structure?
  22. Gunrock

    Creating dirt, debris effects after explosion?

    Thanks guys for the suggestions. Looks like I got a lot of work cut out for me:(
  23. What has usually worked for me all these years of mapping for Doom is that I look at other people's maps or other games in general for inspiration and ideas. I take that into account, build on that and alter the gameplay and esthetics around a bit to suit my taste.
  24. Gunrock

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    K8Vavoom has the better lighting;)
  25. Gunrock

    k8vavoom: no good thing ever dies!

    Happy New Year!