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About DarkRev_666

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  1. DarkRev_666

    album WADs

    Reign in Blood by slayer. The whole cd is good for doom....the fast paced parts anyway. I also found that a lot of tracks off of Venoms cd Metal Black go great with doom as well.
  2. DarkRev_666

    album WADs

    Awesome idea. A project such as this naturally begs for heavy metal though. If you made a whole megawad based of of a slayer album it would be insane. Bands that might go well would be stuff like slayer, Exodus, Sodom, Warbringer, and thrash stuff like that. Thats just me being a metal head though so i could be wrong. I would definitely download this if you made it. On the other hand....if you made one for a linkin park album i would have to kill myself before i even thought of downloading it lmao.
  3. DarkRev_666

    Hosting multiple wads

    We all have the same wads. Thats not the problem anyway. In skulltag if i put in UACLABS.wad(map) and xguns.wad(gun mod) i cant connect to my server if i host it online. It will work offline but not online. If i try to connect with UACLABS.wad then it says i need the same wads as the server because im not using xguns.wad but if i then try to connect with xguns.wad i dont have UACLABS.wad.
  4. DarkRev_666

    SP map recommendations

    Yeah thats the same site i use. Its a great place for maps. Thats where i got Hell over Here.
  5. DarkRev_666

    SP map recommendations

    Im looking for some cool sp maps for Doom 3. Ive looked around on other sites and have seen quite a few but i want to know what the trustworthy doomworld community has to say on the matter. :D So far the only one ive tried is Hell over Here. Also...i run 1.3 if that makes a difference.
  6. DarkRev_666

    Hosting multiple wads

    Ive only recently started hosting LAN games on doom and have no idea how to host multiple wads. What if i want a gun mod like Modern Warfare 2 wad while playing on Alien Vendetta? Whenever i load those two together in skulltag and try to join it says i must have the same wads. Im sure there is some stupidly simple answer to this. Sorry if this was posted before.
  7. DarkRev_666


    It seems the verdict so far is something along the lines of "mindless shooter with no real reason to actually complete the game attached" I know i didnt finish it....still liked it though.
  8. DarkRev_666

    Weapon mods...

    Weasels was cool. I didnt get Parkour. SMW was ok too. I appreciate you posting links too. The prize goes to akira though. xguns.wad is EXACTLY what ive been looking for. Now i can test my insane maps with an edge. So heres a little bit of a noob question but how do i play with multiple mods active? Such as...playing a custom map with xguns on? Whenever i load multiple wads into skulltag i can never join my server when i put it up on LAN. Offline yeah i can do it but not for LAN.
  9. DarkRev_666

    Weapon mods...

    I downloaded it. Cant seem to get past the first level... is that what you mean by not being able to do it in singleplayer? Is there some command in console to choose which map i play? I also got EWEPS....its beautiful. Ive seen this mod in other videos and stuff but actually using it is a blast. Thanks. Akira....i cant seem to find xguns.wad Have a link?
  10. DarkRev_666

    Weapon mods...

    Just for an idea of the specific type of wad im looking for...here is the video that got me started on this search. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drt3UaoDkX0 Does anyone know about the wep wad used OR the map wad?
  11. DarkRev_666

    Weapon mods...

    Thanks again huntress. Would that work with the hexen and heretic games too?
  12. DarkRev_666


    This. All games should have a metal soundtrack....even elder scrolls and stuff like that...lol Im a huge metal head so i thought the soundtrack to painkiller was awesome. It was a great effect when i first got it. Unfortunately it just got overly repetitive....and then came the monastery level which put the last nail in the coffin.
  13. Im not sure what year it came out but ive been playing a wad called 1monster. Its rather fun. Other than that its the regulars...Haloween megawad and community chest stuff.
  14. DarkRev_666


    I actually got fed up with it recently.....i dont even want to play anymore after the goddamn old monastery level.
  15. DarkRev_666

    New Doom map.

    Second playthrough. Much needed health packs are now present even though they seem slightly out of the way. Sergeant room is still a bit of a cluster f*ck because the guys from the inner room will come out the minute you start shooting. All im saying for weapons is that you will have to give the player a sizable arsenal to deal with all these barons. Either LESS barons or MORE guns. Still diggin the map though. Is there some way to get over to all those barons across the lava that im not seeing?