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Everything posted by TheStiCat

  1. TheStiCat

    MIDI Extractor

    does anyone know a good program to export the MIDIs from PWADs so I can use XWE to add them to mine. I tried using DeepSea to import something from REQMUS.WAD into mine but i got Doom2's MAP01 MIDI instead. I would greatly appreciate any knowledge anyone might have, as this is getting frustrating. Thanks everyone!
  2. TheStiCat

    MIDI Extractor

    Is SLADE easy to use? Because DeepSea is very confusing and the help menu gives me nothing at all.
  3. TheStiCat

    Problem With My Level

    Thanks! It's all fixed now.
  4. TheStiCat

    Problem With My Level

    Ok, so I was trying to insert music into one of my levels with XWE version 1.16. I double-clicked the MUS button in the menu, but i unchecked the box on the side. I was trying to open a music from MARSW301.WAD to insert into it. Once I did that, it closed out and said a lump was inserted. I tried to play the level with ZDooM but it said 'THINGS' not found in map02. Does anybody know how I can fix this? I'd greatly appreciate some help!
  5. TheStiCat

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    That's why I hate revenants, because there are PWADs that improperly use them. In DooM 2 they're ok.
  6. TheStiCat

    Rebecca Black - My Moment

    I don't get why so many people hate this song. It's not as bad as some. Friday is worse, and so is Prom Night. The worst song I've ever heard is Justin Bieber's "Baby". His voice is so bland and terrible! And why does he dress like a gangster? He is not a gangster, he is a wimp, his music hurts my ears, and I hate him! >:( If crap like him keeps getting popular, imagine what music will be like in 20 years. Just thinking about it gives me chills! :O
  7. TheStiCat

    Rebecca Black - My Moment

    Here's a great song: http://youtu.be/2v2JcpolIQU
  8. TheStiCat

    Rebecca Black - My Moment

    This is much better than Friday. **
  9. TheStiCat

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    Well, I sure don't.
  10. TheStiCat

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    Those guys piss me off too. >:(
  11. TheStiCat

    What is your most hated demon in Doom?

    I hate the revenants most. Their missiles not only do a lot of damage, but they are heat-seekers. The hell with that.