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About Darkforce002

  • Rank
    Green Marine
  1. Darkforce002

    A random map I made

    (BUMP!) 6 months ago I released this short map, I've now decided to make the map larger. and maybe add a new map. (in those 6 months I had a break from Doom engine games, and now i'm a bit rusty at doom builder 2, Soo... it may be a while...)
  2. Darkforce002

    Possible to map for GBA Doom (II)?

    Ya he did lose them but you might be able to get them via google search
  3. Darkforce002

    Pain Elemental question [decorate]

    I know that I was just testing the a_painattack function for a mod (the monster won't be using baronball or any non-monster projectile.)
  4. Darkforce002

    Pain Elemental question [decorate]

    that worked instead of "A_PainAttack ["Baronball"]", I used "A_PainAttack(Baronball)" (without the quotes) which seems a bit misleading if you looked at the ZDoom Wiki which says "A_PainAttack [(String type)]", and for some odd reason the baron ball that the Pain elemental fires sometimes sticks to walls, floors, and ceilings :confused: .
  5. Im trying to get the custom A_painAttack option to work but every time I try that; Skulltag, Zdoom, and GZdoom say: Script error, "Ele.pk3:decorate.txt" line 9: Sprite names must be exactly 4 charactersACTOR BaronEle : PainElemental { States { Missile: PAIN D 5 A_FaceTarget PAIN E 5 A_FaceTarget PAIN F 4 BRIGHT A_FaceTarget PAIN F 1 BRIGHT A_PainAttack ["Baronball"] Goto See } }
  6. Darkforce002

    A random map I made

    I got inspired by DOOM's E1M1 "zig-zag" nukeage room. oh, and that reminds me, if hasn't found where the 3D floors are, try going any of the liquad areas. Ya, I ran out of ideas... :confused: Thanks :)
  7. Darkforce002

    A random map I made

    This is a pic had a odd bug that I fixed (updated the link) It's a short map I may shown too much...
  8. Darkforce002

    A random map I made

    This map is my first (released) map, and if anybody whats to give any comments (except negative ones) about this map feel free to do so. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?k2ued7h3f6ldcwn Note: this map uses 3D floors, so OpenGL maybe required (unless your using Skulltag 98e beta, or maybe Zdoom). and it's also in the UDMF format.
  9. Darkforce002

    IWAD crossover

    I wish I could remember what it was called, and I would just email the wad to however wanted it (because I don't remember were I got it :( ) but my cpu that had the wad harddrive went bad so I lost EVERYTHING!!!!! It sucked.... all of my best wads I made were gone as well... I would try googling it, but you may not get very far with that. I could try making a map like it, but some may not like it (due to the fact it looks 1999ish), so Im not sure if it would be worth it, and some parts looked a Copy and paste job with minor editing.
  10. Darkforce002

    IWAD crossover

    Sorry to Necro-post but I found this thread interesting. Map fusions (with a little planning) can be awesome. I played a wad for DOOM/DOOM2 that followed the map fusion idea, but let just say it didn't only fuse doom maps. The wad had a map that fused E1M1 (DOOM) E1M8 (DOOM) E2M2 (DOOM) E2M8 (DOOM) E3M8 (DOOM) E1M1 (Heretic) Map01 (Hexen) and it contained all textures, sprites, sounds, etc. needed to run it in DOOM or DOOM2 (in the areas that weren't DOOM they contained monsters, items, traps, etc. that appeared in the orginal map in the Iwad it came from, also the textures, sprites, and other graphics were in "true color" PNG image format.)
  11. Darkforce002

    Before The Invasion Rpg leveling wad

    Thats a cool wad, it's very much like Zdoom wars but Campagin based. I wish I could see some campagin maps for Zdoom wars. but this wad does a really good job at merging the two. can't wait summon barons and cyberdemons (if there going to be summon able)!
  12. Darkforce002

    friendly monster help

    What was I thinking? :confused: I know that, im just forgeting to part on. thanks for reminding me.
  13. Darkforce002

    friendly monster help

    srry for the double post, but for some reason doom builder 2 is being dumb, it's saying Thing_ChangeTID is not declared the script is script 1 enter { Thing_ChangeTID(0, 1000 + 1); PrintBold(s:"Good Luck!\n"); Delay(200); SetActorProperty(1, "APROP_Health", 1000); }
  14. Darkforce002

    friendly monster help

    ReX 1.I know how to make monsters friendly. 2. I'll look in to that. thanks for help. Gez I also know that, but thanks anyways. (no joke Intended)
  15. Darkforce002

    friendly monster help

    Im making a few monster escort levels and im wondering is there some way to make friendly (and/or unfriendly) monsters follow the player (ACS or DECORATE). instead of being behind the monster and forcing it to go the direction you want to go, or having to go slowly through the level and try to gain the monsters attention again. Im using the UDMF format.