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Everything posted by Darch

  1. Ahoy, mateys! Ten years have passed, beards and mustaches have grown, and here is Pirate Doom II! DOWNLOAD It is a 32-map MBF megawad of tiny to medium-sized maps, with some occasional big maps. It starts fairly easy even on UV difficulty, but the last maps can be challenging. This time, everything works basically just like standard Doom, with minor changes to some weapons and monsters. I did not reskin all monsters again, but I kept adding hats and parrots where I could. Some monsters look the same as in Pirate Doom 1. Designed to be played without jumping or crouching. Doing so will break the maps. Mouselook is optional. Balanced for continuous and pistol start. Any port that supports MBF (complevel 11, not MBF21) should work, but these are the ones tested so far: PrBoom 2.6 (software mode) Dsda Doom GZDoom 4.11 ZDoom 8.1 Woof 14.2 Nugget Doom 3.0 Multiplayer ports like Odamex and Zandronum don't fully support music changers, which are used in almost every map. There will be a version without music changers for these ports, after the final single-player version is finished. Screenshots: Credits:
  2. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Thank you! I've replaced those graphics and included you in the credits. Pirate Doom 3: Call of Booty
  3. Darch

    Custom Palette Patern

    Thanks, @Aurelius! I had a 'custom colormap' that wasn't really compatible with this palette. Generating a new one with Slade did the trick.
  4. Darch

    Custom Palette Patern

    So, I'm messing around with an experimental palette that doesn't follow the Doom pattern (the colors are unsorted). I converted some textures to it with Slade and everything was fine until I opened DoomBuilder: the textures looked like this in 'visual mode' (they displayed correctly in the texture browser screen) Then I ran it with GZDoom; it displayed correctly in truecolor, but not in software mode: So, my question is, do all custom palettes need to follow the same color pattern as the default Doom palette? (I'm going to replace all the graphics, so no worries about the HUD.)
  5. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Wrong sector tag :P Fixed, thanks!
  6. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Yes, thanks! I haven't uploaded it to IDGames yet, and there will be a co-op version without the music changers. Unfortunately, if I move that exit line a bit further, I'll have to build an entire scenario outside of that building, especially if players decide to look back. Fixed, thanks!
  7. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Yes, in the future, I still want to watch some playthroughs to make sure everything is alright. Thanks!! Both sides have the same triggers. The intended way to lower the platform is by shooting the spinning target, but you can also lower it by pressing on it. This can only be fixed if port developers allow voodoo dolls to activate music changers, which is not possible at the moment. As far as I know, only ZDoom and GZDoom allow this.
  8. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    I have a widescreen statusbar done too, I removed it because some ports didn't support it. Here it is, in case someone want to use it: And I believe the image used for the background is this: edited with correct status bar graphic, the other one had an older font
  9. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Here's the final version: DOWNLOAD The main changes between this version and the latest beta are: - Witch Doctor and his minions' sprites recolored by @plums(big thanks!!) - Most secrets have been marked again - New grog bottle sprite and some additional decorations - MAP27 rebalanced to be quicker and easier - New Colormap by plums - Tons of texture alignments, graphic clean ups and slimetrails fixes. Also, big thanks to @Scuba Steve for improving all weapon graphics and animations, along with many other graphic enhancements. And many thanks to all beta testers! Have fun!
  10. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    I think it's ready, actually. Just doing some final tests. Will probably release this week. Thank you! The tracks I wrote were made specifically for their maps :) Which port are you using? I didn't hear this with fluidsynth in Dsda nor GZDoom (it sounded completely different on each port to me). In GZDoom, there was one loud tom then it goes back to normal. Probably something with the midi velocity or expression. Fixed, thank you!
  11. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Glad you had fun, thank you! Fixed, thanks
  12. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Fixed, thank you!
  13. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    I did, I caught the stream live :)
  14. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    They don't. You must be referring to the Revenant's projectiles, which do emit bird sounds, because parrots
  15. Wow! Looks beautiful! Downloading
  16. I think flipping the linedef solves this
  17. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Guess I just used the default soundfont of the tested ports (PortMidi, FluidSynth). Which soundfonts are you using, and what issues are you experiencing?
  18. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    That's actually me, haha
  19. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Thanks! In theory, it is already multiplayer compatible (coop). However, since it uses a lot of music changers and online ports don't really implement that feature, there will be a version without music changers for Zandronum and Odamex. I believe it will be ready next month!
  20. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Yes, I've compared those sounds and some others with their default Doom counterparts, and they were indeed louder. I slightly compressed them so they'll sound a bit lower.
  21. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Thanks for the feedback! Well, yeah, the fire staying on the floor is a feature, but it was kind of hacky to do so with Dehacked, and there's this side effect of looping itself sometimes. I don't know if there's a way to fix it. I asked for help in this thread years ago: ..and @holaareola came up with the code. It's been a while since he doesn't visit Doomworld, but maybe he can help if he sees this (or somebody with enough dehacked knowledge)
  22. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Agreed. Your point is valid, but there's no need to discuss it here. My opinion on the subject is the same as Plum's. Maybe he and I can discuss via PM what to do with these sprites.
  23. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    I prefer the green version, but nice edit @Gothic!! I like it! Even better if the horns could have its browns back, but I guess that would be a lot of work.
  24. Darch

    Pirate Doom II (finished!)

    Maybe something like this?