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About OpenMaw

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  1. OpenMaw

    Save The Astronaut

    Hey guys! More news. Save The Astronaut will be receiving an update next Friday which will address a few small issues people have had with the game. Nothing that outright broke it, but just a few niggling issues. Alongside the update will be a demo for the game as well to hopefully increase peoples interest. We're a small studio and every purchase is massively important to us right now. Save The Astronaut is now also on indiedb! https://www.indiedb.com/games/save-the-astronaut We were also in a sponsored stream thanks to "The Princess" on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1257309274621094 She starts streaming Save The Astronaut at about 2:02:00 into her stream. We hope you guys will check the game out and give us some feedback.
  2. OpenMaw

    Save The Astronaut

    My good friend over at Retro Dino has done a full playthrough of the game. Work on the sequel, tenatively titled "Save The Astronaut II" has started.
  3. OpenMaw

    Save The Astronaut

    Hey guys, Been awhile since I've come on here. I've spent most of this year in quarentine experimenting in game development, and over the last few months I have put together a game called Save The Astronaut which is now available on Steam Store page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1404070/Save_The_Astronaut/ My wife and I are hoping to turn this into our full time career. We really enjoy the process of conceptualizing and making games. It's something I've been experimenting with since I was a young teenager. So, this is just the beginning for us. We're already working on the sequel. I hope some of you guys will check it out and let me know what you think. We're really excited right now. This was a big step for us.
  4. OpenMaw

    Is Doom Marine, Doom Slayer?

    They're not mutually exclusive and I don't know why people act like they are. Everything that we know of the original marine happens before Doom Guy ends up in Hell, makes his way to Argent D'nur, goes native, is accepted as one of the Night Sentinels, has a family, loses his son, etc... All lines up perfectly with the fact that it is said he has moved through dimensions and time. Not only does it work, but it's actually perfect, that way.
  5. Bumping for the release. Happy birthday, Doom! Have fun guys.
  6. OpenMaw

    Best Dummy texture wad?

    Thank you! Here was the next best thing I could find for Doom: https://realm667.com/index.php/en/component/docman/?task=doc_download&gid=924&Itemid= It's still not on par with what GoldSRC/Source Engine WADs are out there for dev textures. I figure the reason something like that doesn't exist is generally speaking Doom maps are far simpler to design and it's ultimately easy enough to start texturing right away. I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to bust out a few stand in dev textures of standard dimensions, though.
  7. OpenMaw

    Best Dummy texture wad?

    Hey, hardcore_gamer could you link me to the Quake wad you're using?
  8. OpenMaw

    Spider Mastermind Model Released for Doomsday

    Very beautiful work. Fantastic.
  9. OpenMaw

    Doom 3: Phobos

    *Gives the B5 salute* Brother...!
  10. OpenMaw

    Doom 3: Phobos

    Canon, guys. Canon. Cannon shoots. Canon is the collective lore. Doom 3 : Phobos; Well, what can I say? Congratulations to the team. You guys did what many fail to do. You finished something you set out to do years and years ago. It's a reality. Good job. So many projects die on the vine and don't make it even half as far as you guys did. Well designed levels, very much in line with what the official Doom 3 environments look like. In that regard you could probably put this stuff side-to-side and nobody would be able to tell the difference. Some of the environments are even better looking than the base game. It's obvious lots of polish went into this aspect. Lighting was very nice, with one exception where combat was involved, I found it a little too dark. Though, you eventually do power up the lights in that particular area, that's after you've already fought the battle. It might have been more foreboding to have the player traverse that spot in the dark and then activate the power. The story on the other hand is too front heavy, and the performances are not that great. The leading voice is not entirely convincing. In terms of the story and the way it's being played out, less is more. Say more with fewer words. People in day to day life don't tend to talk in this overlong form that's going on here, Screenwriters will normally tell you to keep away from using too many words. There's a reason Doom 3 leaned on the PDA for a lot of the story elements, and why Doom 2016 continues that trend with the Codex and data entries. Keeps the expository aspect contained and allows the player to play the game first and foremost. In the world of games, especially in a first person shooter like Doom, not everyone is going to appreciate the story you want to tell. I don't have anything against the particulars of the story, just maybe a few minor flaws in the delivery. I also agree that the stylistic inconsistency with the portraits on the screens was a little disconcerting. I understand certain concessions have to be made with a mod to get things done, but a more true-to-the-look style would have been more appropriate. Combat encounters are pretty good, and the difficulty curve seems very organic. All that being said I look forward to the next episode, and I hope t his group actually stays together and continues to evolve creatively on a new project. Maybe something on the Unreal Engine next?
  11. Can someone explain to a relative new comer what a terrywad is?
  12. Updated the first post with "The Story So Far..." After looking at it in those programs and getting some feedback from Misty via PM I realized that first area alone basically blows out the lines. Oops. It's a shame there isn't some way to enable a limiter in Doom Builder for that kind of thing. Alas. Some testing has been done so far and i'm working on the balance and improving the game flow in a few spots.
  13. Sent you a PM, Billy. Thank you for the information. Yes, i'm running the latest version of ZDoom. In Doom Builder I started with the basic "Doom 2" configuration. I didn't use any of the Boom/Zdoom specific configs. I'm not really sure if that actually puts a limit on sector/line limits in editor or not, though. I need to bust out my DOS exe's and see how it runs in plain-jane Doom 2. For curiosities sake if nothing else. :D Thank you for the information. I was just looking through the ZDoom wiki this afternoon and I can't seem to find anything on this particular inquiry... Is there a way to check the number of visplanes? I'm assuming there's some kind of a console command that spits out that kind of information. As far as I know i'm just using the stock Doom 2 map format. I didn't use any ZDoom-specific configurations, or Boom.
  14. "In Hell, I Rage" is a single map WAD for Doom II. Inspired by the writings of Mike "impie" Macdee. Particularly from his first Doom Novella "Knee Deep in the Dead" which describes the Hellish landscape, including a Castle whose peaks touch with another castle jutting out of the sky. This imagery in particular inspired the initial spark for this level. Developed with the AMAZING Doom Builder, and tested solely in Zdoom. It should also work with GZDoom and PRBoom+ as well. I'm breaking the limits here to be sure. My second map for Doom/II. My first was Comic.wad Download link: https://www.moddb.com/engines/zdoom/downloads/in-hell-i-rage Special Thanks to: Misty, Cage, Impie, Saad356, and Big Ol Billy for testing, creative contributes, and inspiring the work. Also, thanks to id Software for DOOM. Happy 25th. THE STORY SO FAR... SCREENSHOTS
  15. OpenMaw

    Doom Engine vs Build Engine (2018 edition)

    That would be a fair assessment. All credit to the boys over at Duke4 net for what they have done over the years, but Eduke32 itself is still very much a work in progress. GZDoom does not feel that way. Eduke32 has had an incomplete multiplayer for years and years now. When I was working on my Duke Nukem The Series machinima project it took quite awhile to find a build of Eduke32 that was both advanced enough to include certain features, but also included the legacy netcode so that I could actually film stuff in the engine. The biggest issue for the Duke Nukem community is that it shrank, and it shrank pretty hard between 2009 and 2012. Between 3D Realms closing, we lost a lot of good people in the community, and then when Duke Nukem Forever came out and was an incredibly pale shadow of what it was supposed to be, we lost more people. Including some of the most outspoken, ardent, passionate fanboys the Duke Nukem community had. That plus the lack of a cohesive multiplayer community that could unify and encourage continued modding of the game, we've bled our population down to just a few dozen spread across several websites. It's sad, honestly. Empty. What Duke needs is for the Eduke32 port to get a really good polishing, and be featured in some kind of a re-release/relaunch of it's largest community and through STEAM. There are a lot of custom maps, mods, and other content for Duke Nukem 3D. Officially: Nuclear Winter, Duke Carribean, Duke it out in DC, the Kill-a-ton collection, Duke's 20th Anniversary World Tour. Unofficially: DNF 2013, WG Realms, AMC TC, Alien Armageddon. Plus a load of legacy content which you can find online: http://dukeworld.duke4.net/2001-current/unsorted/other/Duke Nukem 3D/ With all that being said, and I am a HUGE Duke fanboy, I think GZDoom is going to beat it. I'd say that the Doom community as a whole probably beats the Duke community simply because it has modern easy-to-use user friendly tools, and tutorials, and examples that are readily available to anyone who seeks them out. For Eduke32 you have to dig through a lot of wiki articles, scour YouTube, and dust off some old tomes to really learn how to use the editor effectively. With level design specifically I think Doom is a far cleaner process. It has been my experience in dabbling with both games/engines over the years it's much easier to keep Doom levels neat and still get a(relatively) high detail versus Duke, where things can get messy and disproportionate very easy if you don't watch what you're doing. It's also a lot easier to break and corrupt levels for Duke in my experience.