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About Lightning68340

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    New Member
  1. What are the best graphic editors for creation of sprites?
  2. Lightning68340

    Gotcha MAP20 Remake

    Thanks alot for liking my map, and thanks for all replies :) Thanks :D Maybe
  3. Lightning68340

    Gotcha MAP20 Remake

    Thanks :)
  4. Lightning68340

    Gotcha MAP20 Remake

    Hello there folks It took a while to make this level, since I am idealess alot. But finally I finnished it and it's playable in both single-player and multiplayer mode! It's designed for both ZDoom and Skulltag. SCREENSHOTS: http://oi45.tinypic.com/358qh44.jpg http://oi50.tinypic.com/qnwd47.jpg http://oi46.tinypic.com/vhu5i0.jpg DOWNLOAD LINK: http://www.sendspace.com/file/clx58y Please comment and tell me what you think about it! :)