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Everything posted by wacked666

  1. wacked666

    reversing the doom levels?

    Is there an easy way to reverse the doom levels? like just flip them in an editor some how? I've looked in gzdoombuilder and didnt see anything, I'm trying to reverse all the doom 1 and 2 vanilla levels. Any help is appreciated thanks!
  2. wacked666

    reversing the doom levels?

    Oh well im using all new textures so if i reverse the levels its still a copy write issue? damn,I guess that means ill be making my own levels then.
  3. wacked666

    reversing the doom levels?

    wow thats cool I like it! I just want them in normal order but is there any easy way or does it all have to be done manually? whats the name of your mod?"
  4. wacked666

    reversing the doom levels?

    I want to do it for a mod im working on, so it will replace the original levels
  5. How would I write the decorate so when I pick up a second pistol then it would turn into duel pistols? I really appreciate any help! Thanks in advance actor MAGNl : Pistol Replaces Pistol { obituary "%o was peppered by %k's DESERT EAGLE." radius 20 height 16 attacksound "DEAG/Fire" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the DESERT EAGLE!" weapon.kickback 100 weapon.ammotype "Clip" weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammogive 40 Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 2 Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 states { Spawn: DEGP A -1 Ready: MAGN A 1 A_WeaponReady loop Deselect: MAGN A 1 A_Lower loop Select: MAGN A 1 A_Raise loop Fire: MAGN A 0 bright A_FireBullets (1, 1, -1, 12, "BulletPuff") MAGN B 2 BRIGHT A_GunFlash MAGN C 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN E 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN A 4 A_ReFire goto Ready Altfire: Zic4 ABC 3 zic4 D 3 A_CustomPunch (8,0,0,"KickPuff") zic4 CBA 3 Magn a 3 A_Refire goto ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light1 TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light2 TNT1 A 0 bright A_Light0 stop Spawn: DEGP A -1 stop Goto Ready } } Can anyone point me to a wad that gives you a dual weapon after picking up the first? I'd like to do this with out ACS please and thanks
  6. wacked666

    How to make a sister weapon?

    Ok i got it to work, i forgot to change magni2 to stop removing magni1 Thanks for your help! i really need this for my mod!
  7. wacked666

    How to make a sister weapon?

    Thanks again, sorry i didnt mention that the pistol is not the default weapon in my mod. so far i've got: actor dummy : inventory { inventory.maxamount 3 } actor magnipickup : custominventory { Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the DESERT EAGLE!" Inventory.PickupSound "misc/w_pkup" States { Spawn: DEGP A -1 stop Pickup: TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("dummy",1) TNT1 A 0 A_GiveInventory("MAGNI",1) stop } } actor MAGNI : Doomweapon 16422 { obituary "%o was peppered by %k's DESERT EAGLE." radius 20 height 16 attacksound "DEAG/Fire" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the DESERT EAGLE!" weapon.kickback 100 weapon.ammotype "Clip" weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammogive 40 Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 2 Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 states { Spawn: DEGP A -1 Ready: MAGN A 1 A_WeaponReady loop Deselect: MAGN A 1 A_Lower loop Select: MAGN A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("dummy",3,"Select2") MAGN A 0 A_JumpIfInventory("dummy",2,"BecomeDual") goto Select2 BecomeDual: MAGN A 0 A_GiveInventory("dummy",1) MAGN A 0 A_GiveInventory("MAGNI2",1) MAGN A 0 A_SelectWeapon("MAGNI2") Select2: MAGN A 1 A_Raise loop Fire: MAGN A 0 bright A_FireBullets (1, 1, -1, 12, "BulletPuff") MAGN B 2 BRIGHT A_GunFlash MAGN C 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN E 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN A 4 A_ReFire goto Ready Altfire: Zic4 ABC 3 zic4 D 3 A_CustomPunch (8,0,0,"KickPuff") zic4 CBA 3 Magn a 3 A_Refire goto ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light1 TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light2 TNT1 A 0 bright A_Light0 stop Spawn: DEGP A -1 stop Goto Ready } } actor MAGNI2 : DoomWeapon 20998 { obituary "%o was peppered by %k's DESERT EAGLE." radius 20 height 16 attacksound "DEAG/Fire" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the DESERT EAGLE!" weapon.kickback 100 weapon.ammotype "Clip" weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammogive 40 Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 2 Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 states { Spawn: DEGP A -1 Ready: MAGN A 1 A_WeaponReady loop Deselect: MAGN A 1 A_Lower loop Select: MAG2 A 0 A_TakeInventory("MAGNI",1) Select2: MAG2 A 1 A_Raise loop Fire: MAGN A 0 bright A_FireBullets (1, 1, -1, 12, "BulletPuff") MAGN B 2 BRIGHT A_GunFlash MAGN C 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN E 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN A 4 A_ReFire goto Ready Altfire: Zic4 ABC 3 zic4 D 3 A_CustomPunch (8,0,0,"KickPuff") zic4 CBA 3 Magn a 3 A_Refire goto ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light1 TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light2 TNT1 A 0 bright A_Light0 stop Spawn: DEGP A -1 stop Goto Ready } } **weapon is totally unselectable in zandronum, i can pick up the pistol in gzdoom but can't switch weapons or the pistol becomes unselectable **EDIT I got it to work [sort of but,](was a problem with my keyconf), I first start with one pistol then pick up the other and get magni2, but magni1 is unselectable also it looks like it disappears for a second when the magni2 comes up Thanks again for your help i appreciate it!
  8. wacked666

    How to make a sister weapon?

    Ok this is what ive got so far, in zandronum the pistol is unselectable with out cheats and in gzdoom when i pick up a pistol it goes invisible for a second then just gives me the regular pistol. actor MAGNI : Pistol Replaces Pistol { obituary "%o was peppered by %k's DESERT EAGLE." radius 20 height 16 attacksound "DEAG/Fire" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the DESERT EAGLE!" weapon.kickback 100 weapon.ammotype "Clip" weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammogive 40 Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 2 Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 states { Spawn: DEGP A -1 Ready: MAGN A 1 A_WeaponReady loop Deselect: MAGN A 1 A_Lower loop Select: MAGN A 0 A_SelectWeapon("MAGNI2") Select2: MAGN A 1 A_Raise loop Fire: MAGN A 0 bright A_FireBullets (1, 1, -1, 12, "BulletPuff") MAGN B 2 BRIGHT A_GunFlash MAGN C 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN E 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN A 4 A_ReFire goto Ready Altfire: Zic4 ABC 3 zic4 D 3 A_CustomPunch (8,0,0,"KickPuff") zic4 CBA 3 Magn a 3 A_Refire goto ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light1 TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light2 TNT1 A 0 bright A_Light0 stop Spawn: DEGP A -1 stop Goto Ready } } actor MAGNI2 : DoomWeapon 20998 { obituary "%o was peppered by %k's DESERT EAGLE." radius 20 height 16 attacksound "DEAG/Fire" inventory.pickupmessage "You got the DESERT EAGLE!" weapon.kickback 100 weapon.ammotype "Clip" weapon.ammouse 1 weapon.ammogive 40 Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 2 Weapon.SelectionOrder 1900 states { Spawn: DEGP A -1 Ready: MAGN A 1 A_WeaponReady loop Deselect: MAGN A 1 A_Lower loop Select: MAG2 A 0 A_TakeInventory("MAGNI",1) Select2: MAG2 A 1 A_Raise loop Fire: MAGN A 0 bright A_FireBullets (1, 1, -1, 12, "BulletPuff") MAGN B 2 BRIGHT A_GunFlash MAGN C 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN E 2 MAGN D 2 MAGN A 4 A_ReFire goto Ready Altfire: Zic4 ABC 3 zic4 D 3 A_CustomPunch (8,0,0,"KickPuff") zic4 CBA 3 Magn a 3 A_Refire goto ready Flash: TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light1 TNT1 A 2 bright A_Light2 TNT1 A 0 bright A_Light0 stop Spawn: DEGP A -1 stop Goto Ready } } *i know im using the same sprite for both, i want the gun to work then ill draw up a working sprite **edit also in gzdoom if i select a different weapon when i have pistol equipped then i cant switch back to pistol.
  9. wacked666

    How to make a sister weapon?

    Thank you very much for the reply! *edit I'd like it so if you pick up one pistol it gives you one but when you pick up a second pistol then you can use duelies or still the single pistol.
  10. wacked666

    How to make a sister weapon?

    I would like to have both weapons select-able if possible, I think i figured out a way if I use two different weapons (id rather not do it that way) with: Weapon Pieces 'WeaponPiece.Number number' 'WeaponPiece.Weapon weapontype' I don't know much about this function though, im just experimenting right now
  11. wacked666

    Help editing doom imp ball

    I figured it out, thanks for the response
  12. wacked666

    Help editing doom imp ball

    I want to edit the decorate to change the offset of where the doom imp ball comes from. Can someone help me with a decorate? This is what i have so far: any help would be greatly appreciated! Missile: TRO2 EF 6 A_FaceTarget TRO2 G 4 A_CustomMissile ("Impshot", 0, 20, 0 ) TRO2 B 2 TRO2 VW 6 A_FaceTarget TRO2 G 4 A_CustomMissile ("Impshot") TRO2 E 0 A_Jump(200,9) TRO2 D 2 TRO2 EF 6 A_FaceTarget TRO2 G 4 A_CustomMissile ("Impshot") TRO2 B 2 TRO2 VW 6 A_FaceTarget TRO2 G 4 A_CustomMissile ("Impshot") TRO2 B 0 goto See *edit i need it to come from the left side more, like 20 pixels in? thats a rough guess
  13. wacked666

    Weapons Packs?

    I've made a monster pack of my own and I am wondering if you guys maybe could suggest some good weapons packs? I have golden eye tc it works well, im looking for packs like that. Thanks in advance! EDIT:Im using zandronum
  14. wacked666

    Shiruken decorate help

    I'm working on a shiruken for my t.c. and was wondering if anyone can help me make it stick into walls, right now it just stays wherever it stops. is this do-able? actor Shirkuen : Doomweapon 11465 { Weapon.SelectionOrder 700 Weapon.AmmoUse1 1 Weapon.AmmoGive1 15 Weapon.AmmoType "Shell" +NOEXTREMEDEATH Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the Sneaker Missle System!" Obituary "%o is now puppy chow." attacksound "autogun/fire" Decal "BulletChip" Weapon.SlotNumber 5 weapon.selectionorder 143 States { Ready: SHAN A 1 A_WeaponReady Loop Deselect: SHAN A 1 A_Lower Loop Select: SHAN A 1 A_Raise Loop Fire: SHAN B 1 SHAN B 0 SHAN B 2 SHAN C 2 A_FireCustomMissile("Shiruken",0,1,0,0,0) SHAN C 0 A_playsound ("Shir/fire") SHAN A 15 SHAN A 3 A_Refire goto Ready Flash: TNT1 A 3 Bright A_Light1 Goto LightDone Spawn: Shur A -1 Stop } } ACTOR Shiruken { Game Doom SpawnID 127 Radius 12 Height 12 Speed 20 Damage 8 Projectile +noextremedeath Obituary "$OB_MPROCKET" // "%o rode %k's rocket." States { Spawn: SHIR A 1 Bright Loop Death: SHIR A -1 Stop } }
  15. wacked666

    infrared goggles?

    awesome thanks! Ill test it out now! i already have an extra wad just for classes so ill add this to it! thanks again man!
  16. wacked666

    infrared goggles?

    I'd like to make a set of goggles for doom that use red instead of green so it looks like infra red. also i need it to be switchable on and off not just a power up like the doom infra red. can anyon help>? thanks in advance!
  17. wacked666

    infrared goggles?

    wow ok thanks for the help! anyway i could get you to help me with a sample for the "InfraredOff", "InfraredOn" decorate? or good places to look for info on the subject?? thanks again!
  18. wacked666

    infrared goggles?

    I'm going to add them via class to my character at the start of the game, i just want them to be switchable and hopefully red, if not the regular green is fine, need help with a decorate file thanks!
  19. someone posted a great little sprite editor, i belive the gui was brown. you could click an arrow left or right to flip through the animations and there was a smudge button that put graphics back to 256 color and perfect for doom (duke 3d) can anyone help me find out which editor this was? i lost it when i reinstalled windows! thanks!
  20. wacked666

    Melee as a secondary

    Thanks man your alt pistol worked great!
  21. wacked666

    Melee as a secondary

    How would i go about adding the doom punch as a secondary for the pistol. I know i would have to edit the decorate file but can anyone give me an example on how to do this (or if its already done a link to a wad i can examine). doesnt have to be specifically the pistol just wondering how to go about adding a melee as secondary.
  22. wacked666

    Melee as a secondary

    I've looked it over its a bit complex for me with the way its set up, im just looking for a simple decorate, thanks for the tip though!
  23. I'll give er a try, downloaded it now, sounds like a cool mod idea! :) Everything looks really good, Beautifully done elivator! (only played level 1 so far) I'm not sure why but in the first level it seems like the guards at the end of the hall to the left are invincible until they are alerted, sometimes it's really hard to get a gun to drop from a guard as well. Also i noticed if you die and restart while the screen is still red i respawned with a red screen.
  24. Oh I know, thats why I asked if someone else could do it LOL no it's fine I can retexture my map it will take 1/100th the time to do that than to build my own mega texture pack. The thing is how is prboom going to handle so many texture packs for all our maps in one big mega wad? There really isnt much point in building a mega texturewad to make even more duplicates of the lumps. I'll just retexture it, I really want my map in this megawad (i spent a hell of a lot of time making it) and it's a small penance to pay, its really my fault for not testing it on prboom+ like i should have. It's about 1/3rd complete now already and I've made a few small improvements to the design so I think I'll be pleased with the overall finished product.
  25. True enough, I'm in the process of retexturing the map now. It's going to be a little less pretty to look at but oh well. Found a couple little things that needed fixing anyway. I will upload the finished map when I've finished. ETA:Tomorrow sometime..