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About Demon_Collector

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  1. Demon_Collector

    Hide and Seek mod- Accepting maps!

    It is very DM like, but a lot of hiding places.
  2. Demon_Collector

    How long does it take you to make a level?

    Comes down to whether you're a perfectionist (which I assume most are) or not.
  3. Doom was created in the early 1990's and released in 1994 (if I recall correctly) and people are still playing and discussing it today. So I would like to know you are still interested in the game and why you think it is still popular. For me it is creating detailed WADs and always challenging myself to do better.
  4. Demon_Collector

    Animated Defs

    Zdoom in (Doom in Hexen Format)
  5. Demon_Collector

    Animated Defs

    It's Zdoom in Heretic
  6. Demon_Collector

    Hide and Seek mod- Accepting maps!

    Now I'm offically done haha.
  7. Demon_Collector

    Animated Defs

    I have a waterfall doom texture that I took from a WAD but it isn't animated in the game. How do I do this?
  8. Demon_Collector

    doom with heritic question

    That helps. Thanks
  9. Demon_Collector

    doom with heritic question

    Ok, got that to work but cannot get a teleport to work. Person doesn't teleport at all. Using the normal teleport, put in teleport destination, set tags. Don't know what's wrong
  10. Demon_Collector

    doom with heritic question

    What is the equavalent to lift go down quickly and then back up (action 123) in doom with heretic? I can't work it out. Not only this but i can't get anything to activate. For example how do I get a lift to go down by pressing (space bar) the lift itself. I put in a tag on the side def and then tag the sector with the same tag and it does not work.
  11. Demon_Collector

    Hide and Seek mod- Accepting maps!

    I copied all the coding from the early example you PM'd me. Copied all the script, and other details in Slade. Then I did everything in DoomBuilder, such as the players and camera view and everytime I play, I do not teleport after the 3,2,1.
  12. Demon_Collector

    Hide and Seek mod- Accepting maps!

    I'm working on a Dock level- with crate layouts and a small ship. But the coding is what i'm still having trouble on.
  13. How long does it take you to make a level? just curious
  14. Demon_Collector

    Megawad project: Boared

    I love how styled they are- although they are over loaded with monsters.
  15. Demon_Collector

    My first level

    Good for a first map. I enjoyed the layout, but like others I noticed problems.